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Losing Children | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

There is probably no greater imaginable tragedy than to lose a child. It is even more tragic when children are being lost because of...

I Can’t Read or Learn….or Can I? | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

Sixteen-year-old Yisroel R, was on the verge of throwing away a life of Torah and Yiddishkeit. His ba’al teshuva parents had been frum for...

It’s Never Too Late… but Why Wait? | Rabbi Dovid Abenson [Will Be In...

Although many of my clients are still in school, seeking help because they are falling behind, I see many adults too. Just a few...

The Turn About | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

Below is a heartwarming letter I recently received from a parent. It is my hope that sharing this letter will encourage parents not to...

“Shvache Kop” or “No Zitz Fleish”: Myth or True? – Part 3 | Rabbi...

I personally heard from an exceptional mechanech that only 5% of religious Jewish students have a strong working knowledge of Lashon HaKodesh grammar. I...

“Shvache Kop” or “No Zitz Fleish”: Myth or True? – Part 2 | Rabbi...

This is not unique to the United States or Europe. In Eretz Yisroel, many of the hundreds of thousands of students there are taught...

“Shvache Kop” or “No Zitz Fleish”: Myth or True? – Part 1 | Rabbi...

My yeshiva life began in the early 1980s, and as with any talmid struggling in learning, I was assigned a private rebbe and were...

Unjustly Expelled | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

Below is a letter I received from a parent regarding his eight-year-old son Dovid, who was unjustly expelled from his school by the Menaheles. Dear...

You are 100% right… | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

The following email was sent to me by a parent after I wrote my last week's article called "A New Asifa?" Dear Rabbi Dovid Abenson...

A New Asifa? | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

I have been working with a set of parents whose child has been rejected from Yeshiva in his final year and has now unfortunately...

Accepted 90 Years Ago | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

I was discussing the crisis of rejection from schools with a friend. I was sharing about the calls I receive from frantic parents who...

Accept them with Love – Part 3 | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

My rebbe, R’ Matisyahu Salomon shlita told me 10 years ago that it is hard for newcomers who want to move to Lakewood to...

The “Rejected Naftali“ age 5 was accepted | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

To my readers, I posted this correspondence in the Lakewood Scoop on 14th August titled Accept them with Love. The good news is that...

Accept them with love – Part 2 | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

Dear Rabbi Abenson shlita I enjoy reading your articles in the Jewish tribune*. I find the stories that you tell about your successful methods fascinating...

Accept Them With Love | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

“Rejection from school, Yeshiva, or Seminar '' series posted in the Lakewood Scoop recently triggered a lot of parents to reach out to me...

Rejection from school, Yeshiva, or Seminary – Part 3 | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

It is not only “problem kids” who are being rejected. I was recently asked to help a girl who applied to a seminary in...

Rejection from school, Yeshiva, or Seminary – Part 2 | Rabbi Dovid Abenson

I recently heard Rabbi Berel Wein speaking with President Isaac Herzog in this home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_0s9xFzB94 .Rabbi Wein recalled a visit from Isaac Herzog’s grandfather...