Tomorrow For Girls: Roller Skate For Tzedakah

The Jackson Roller Rink has been reserved for girls for tomorrow, Monday, December 6th, with all proceeds going to Tzedakah. Buses will be departing Westgate and Shloimys...

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes: Reb Nachum Laskin Z”L

Baruch Dayan Ha'emes: We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Harav Nachum Laskin Z'L, who was Niftar a short time ago at...

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes: R’ Dov Eisenberg Z’L

Baruch Dayan Ha'emes: We regret to inform you of the passing of R' Dov Eisenberg Z'L, who was Niftar today. He was the...

Save Some Chanukah Gelt – Post Your Chanukah Deals

REPOSTED: It's Chanukah and many local retailers are offering some great savings. In this economy, who's not looking for a bargain? In a continuing effort to save our...

Regulators Propose Backup Cameras On All New Vehicles

U.S. auto-safety regulators proposed requiring backup cameras on all new vehicles by 2014 to prevent drivers from backing over pedestrians, a rule that might...

Readers’ Scoop: Cops Aren’t The Only Ones Losing Their Jobs

Dear Editors. With all the recent whining of some cops potentially losing their jobs, I ask the people this. Why in an economy where thousands...

A Dinner Looking For Your Support – Not Your Checkbook

Next Monday, the Learn & Network Kollel will be holding its first ever dinner, but are not looking for participants to bring their checkbooks....

Bounty Hunter Opens Fire At Wanted Suspect In Residential Area, Both Taken Into Custody...

A Bounty Hunter acting out of his legal limits and jurisdiction Thursday night was taken into custody, sources say. The incident occurred approximately 8:00 p.m....

Small Crowd Gathers For Shloshim Of Shelly Kammerman Z’L

 PHOTOS: A small crowd gathered at the Eizikovitz Bais Medrash Thursday evening to commemorate the Shloshim of Shell Kammerman Z'L with a Seudah. At...

Yidden Around The Globe Urged To Say Tehillim On Behalf Of Israeli Yidden

TEHILLIM NEEDED: As a massive fire raging in Israel has claimed the lives of dozens of our brethren in Eretz Yisroel - with many more...

Chanukah Kumzitz At Minyan Shelanu With Stechina Rebbe

VIDEO: Last night, Minyan Shelanu celebrated Chanukah with Torah and a Kumzitz. They had the honor of hearing Divrei Bracha from the Stechina Rebbe, R'...

Dash Cam Guy: Dangerous Driver Makes Reckless Left Turn

VIDEO: Our Dash-cam guy is at it again, catching all types of serious violations on camera, helping out the community by bringing these occurrences...

Governor Holds Menorah Lighting Ceremony – Honored With Gift From Chabad

PHOTOS: Yesterday, Chabad Rabbis drove down to Trenton to honor Governor Chris Christie with a Menorah, and to have the Governor light the Menorah...

Hundreds Attend First Ever Showing Of Berel And The Bus Driver

PHOTOS: Last night, hundreds of children and adults showed up to the first ever showing of the film Berel & The Bus Driver. The event, which took...

The S.S.S.S. Shiur Parsha Mikeitz – Shabbos Chanukah

VIDEO of Thursday night’s weekly Shiur on the Parsha, given by Reb Yisroel Meir Shapiro at the South Side Sandwich Shop. Also, click here to download and...

Child Transported To Hospital After Being Struck By Vehicle

A child was transported to the Hospital a short time ago after being struck by a vehicle. The incident occurred in the Brookhill Development...

Over 1,000 Bais Faiga Girls Greet Donors Of New Junior High School Building In...

This afternoon, approximately 1,300 girls of Bais Faiga stood on Clifton Avenue to honor the donors of the new Bais Faiga building, soon to be built....