[UPDATED] Baruch Dayan Ha’emes: We regret to inform you of the passing of R’ Dov Eisenberg Z’L, who was Niftar today. He was the father of veteran Hatzolah member R’ Naftali Eisenberg, owner of Falafel & Chips and Kosher Deli. The Levaya is currently taking place at Bais Dovid, 20 W. Maple Lane in Monsey NY. He was 86.
R’ Naftali Eisenberg will be sitting Shivah at his home this Friday, with Shachris at 8:00 a.m.
His address is 23 Davis Road.
Umacha Hashem Elokim Dimah Me’al Kol Panim.
he learned in ner yisrael baltimore then in detroit in chamai lublin then he came to lakewood by Reb Aron he was a very nice person. bde
Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
The niftar a”h was my father-in-law and I never heard of him learning in Ner Yisrael or in Detroit. He was a talmid of and, in fact, received semicha from Reb Aharon zt”l.
yes, he did learn in Ner Yisroel by Rav Ruderman ztzl.. The Niftar was a tsaddik nistar..
He was mechaber lots & lots of seforim!, Eventhough he worked for a living and raised a a very chosuver mishpocho.
That was his real Gadlus.
B.D.E. Sitting shiva in Lakewood ?
He has a very Choshuve Son in law Harav Yitzchok Zimmerman from Squankam. BDE
Sorry for your loss Naftali
its not so important who he learned by. its important we should learn from him.yiddishkeit,mentchlichkeit,erlichkiet,chinuch ,anovo,etc etc he was “nimtzah chein vesechel tov beini elokim vadom.its great loss to the fam.to us & klall yisroel. TNZB”H
The nifftar received Smichah from R’ Aharon zt”l.
In the smichah letter, R’ Aharon does mention that his talmid previously learned in Yeshivas Chaim Berlin.
The praise written in that letter regarding Rabbi Eisenberg Z”l is said to be very unusual for R’ Ahron and reflects much about the Gadlus in Torah and Middos Tovos of the niftar.
May his zechus be a source of blessing for all of klall yisroel