DPW Plows Through The Night, Most Streets Cleaned

Storm_1-12-11_clean_tls[UPDATES BELOW] Wet snow began to fall in Lakewood about 8:15 p.m., and is expected intensify and continue throughout the night into tomorrow morning. Total accumulation is expected to be between 6-8 inches. As in past storms, this post will be updated throughout the storm with all important updates and messaged.

Many short and important messages will be put out through our News Alerts as well.

12:05 a.m. TLS has just been informed that Public Schools will be closed Wednesday and there will not be any busing.

7:45 a.m. The snow has tapered off with total accumulation of about 6-8 inches. Many streets have already been cleared, plows are out full force.

10:00 a.m.TLS spoke with Mayor Menashe Miller this morning about the snow cleanup efforts and he had one thing to say. “Let the results speak for themselves”.

1:45 p.m. As of this time, most streets in Lakewood have been plowed at least once. If your street has not yet been plowed, contact the DPW at 732-905-3405.

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  1. snow lover, I love the snow and I love being home with my kids. But my office opens regardless of the snow and if I don’t come in I don’t get paid. If I don’t get paid, my darling children whom I love very much don’t get what they need. So instead of bashing parents who may want to be home with their kids, but can’t just enjoy the snow and enjoy the fact that you can be home with your children.

  2. Agree with no. 2. The schools close way too quickly. What is even more ridiculous is how the playgroups run on the school schedule. I would love to tell my boss that I cant come in bec. Bais Faiga is closed ( to save themselves some money) Playgroup Morahs really have to decide if their closing is really yashrus.

  3. My Office Is Usually Open On Snow Days Due To The Fact That My Boss Is A Hard Worker And Cant Stand Being Off. Thank G-D He Lets His Workers Have The Day Off.

  4. The road and traffic in Lakewood will be a mess. I know the public schools are closed, will the private schools be closed? And will we be complaining about car pooling? And the fact that there are no buses…

  5. Can Everyone just stay home tom and not try driving around ?!?!! Let’s stay at home and let the dpw do there job without every nut cracker driving around

  6. I agree, by saying that
    That the peshat is that we get 12 inches your scaring the olam. TLS should say 6 inches an if it snows more then that its an oidef hashem gave us alittle more nisht geferilach.

  7. everone should take some time out of their hectic schedules to look at the beautiful snow it has a very calming effect for all you nutcrackers out there like morris put it

  8. Where Is The DPW? I Havent Seen One Truck Since The Storm Started. They Probably At The Clifton Ave School Just Doing The Lot Over And Over Again Even Though They Dont Have School Tommorow.

  9. Back in my home town, the snow plowers are out all night plowing the streets when ever they get snow(which is pretty often) which is why we always had school!! That’s the way it should be done here in lakewood!! But no, here, they wait till the snow stops and then they slooowly make it around town!!

  10. Thank You! Mayor Steve Langert!!!!
    Its now 4:00 AM and vermont and coughling were just plowed. Totally clean! Blacktop!!!!!! Great job Mayor! In addition I would like to thank all DPW employees for your hard work and continued dedication, while we are cozy in our homes they out there working in freezing and blizzard conditions. Thanx!!!!!!!!

  11. if public schools are closed private schools should follow. The public schools close for safety reason’s not thinking of who is babysitting my children. It might be wise to start a car pool in the neighborhoods, bus cutting is coming. Taxes will continue to rise and the only ones who will be able to remain in Lakewood are people who rent or live in basements,

  12. if public schools are closed private schools should follow. The public schools close for safety reason’s not thinking of who is babysitting my children. It might be wise to start a car pool in the neighborhoods, bus cutting is coming.

  13. Here is a good vort, The word ka’sheleg, which means “like snow,” [as in “ka’sheleg yalbinu” in Isaiah 1:18, which means “your sins will become white as snow”] is the gematria 353 — the same as simcha, happiness. So the peshat is that the decision is ours. We can focus on the negatives of snow, and become cynical , or we can see the purity of hashem in snow. Az men tracht gut vet zien gut

  14. To clevelander, I’ve been there many times and its not that they plow wen the snow strts falling and not wen its finished they don’t plow at all till its 12 inches and everyone is stuck so look at lakewood it is 90% blacktop on most of the streets not like cleveland

  15. I’m a property manager and I know for a fact that PW did not begin plowing untill the early morning hours. This seems to be their policy. Cam someone explain why they don’t plow through the storm. This is the reason they are so behind every storm. This policy has got to change! If you have 20 + trucks why is 90 percent of Lakewood untouched. We would like an explanation just please don’t tell us the plows were out all night in full force because that is simply untrue.

  16. to all complaining lakewooders move to raintree we are always plowed in the begining and we have the county depot here so some of there salt fall off their truck by the time they leave raintree so we don’t have only sand from the beaches like the rest of lakewood

  17. Thank you DPW
    The streets were salted/sanded before the storm and at 5:30am they came down my block 8 times and did a great job.
    DPW rocks!!!

  18. My street was plowed early this morning. Thank You DPW. I think schools should be open on a voluntary basis for all those who don’t mind driving their kids to school but, kids who don’t go to school should not be responsible for the work. My son is a rebbe and every time there is a snow day he faxes the entire class a list of things they should do, starting with davening (it’s a very young grade) (nothing heavy, mind you, but, it gives the kids something to do )The kids are very happy getting this communication from their rebbe.

  19. To #7 I agree with you. In fact when my wife asked me this morning if she should open her playgroup, I said yes! I shoveled snow for an hour and a half and we had an on time opening!

  20. Why do the bais faiga and other girls school have school? The plows are working so hard for the town We don need allthe xtra cars are roads now messing it up and making traffic and giving the plows a harder time and harder job

  21. after all the complaining last time, we owe a big thanks for the snow clean up this morning.

    the rodas are drivable and well plowed.

    thank you Menashe!

  22. just wanted to thank everyone who needs thanks today. brookhill was plowed nice and early today. and a good job too. and thank you my boy and girl schools for having school today!!!

  23. To TLS Editor:
    Can u pls relay to the proper people that Chateau Park and Presidential Estates can desperately use plowing/salting.
    Thank You in advance.

    A Loyal Tax-Payer

  24. Thank You Reb Menashe! I just met you on the plow & we see not only your extra ordinary skills in leadership, but also your heart & soul how you feel everyone’s pain & excitement! May HASHEM bentch you with an easy year of mayoral duties and even some extra time for your wonderful family!

  25. why did the board of ed decide last night to close instead of not waiting to see how much snow we got? New York got much more snow and their schools are open with bussing. Lakewood Board of Ed is pathetic!

  26. Thank You DPW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4:00AM Clean as a whistle!!!!!!!! Blacktop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    DPW Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. With all due respect, Reb Menashe is a great leader, but this storm was nothing compared to what Langert had to deal with. mayor Langert did as good a job as anyone in that situation.

  28. Let’s not compaew this to the previous storm where many dpw workers did not showand we got close to 30 inches.
    This was around 6 inches with double the amount of man power.

  29. Maybe ppl should twice b4 they vote for the board of ed .stop being brain washed .. how many issues have they messed up with … tiny tots … busing … wait till they get to their real agenda

  30. Thanks for plowing. Its not that early, but at least it was done now, and they did a great job. Guess all of Lakewood can’t be done first, but I am not sure why they don’t plow during the storm.

  31. Two THUMBS UP to:
    Commiteeman ML
    Deputy Mayor SL
    and ALL of the rest who are responsible for really doing a GREAT job with the cleanup.
    Lawrence Ave. was beautifuly done!

    E.9TH st. and lawrence were done this morning about 7:30
    they did a very good job. we appreciate it.

  33. i am glad that the public schools did not wait till early morning to call off school. easier for parents to prepare. students walking to school without sidewalks cleared find it unsafe, walking in street. not a bad thing to have my children home.

  34. I love how fickle everyone is! one small storm and the DPW did what they were supposed to do and everyone forgives them? did everyone forget how badly they handled the last storm? Menashe Miller may turn out to be a great mayor but how can anyone judge him based on one small storm that everyone was over prepared for . After all is said and done I definitely appreciate the good job that was done this time around but stop making it sound as if they are the best most amazing people in the world with all the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after all they did was their jobs.

  35. I would like to say to all those that sit on here and complain about the streets not being plowed quick enough. While you all sit nice and safe and warm. These men and women of the DPW worked long hours then went home got a few hours sleep and went right back to it. Try thinking of their families while you sit with yours.

  36. In the same way that was organized the tu bshvat registration guidelines – Someone who has the koach to – needs to organizae some snow day guidelines for playgroups. The girls schools have different reasons for canceling snow when there are no busses. Playgroups should not be closed only according to that. If a morah is home today and majority of her kids have school (most boys and even girls) there is no reason to be closed today. Some may choose to keep their children home rather than trek out in the snow – so the morahs will have an easier load. Especially today right after they were home for a few days just over a week ago. I think that its simply a lack of mentshlichkeit on behalf of MOST morahs.

  37. MAYOR MENASHE MILLER ROX!!!!!!! I live on a side street, and before I even woke up today, my street was plowed! And it even has enough room for 2 cars! HOORAY!!!!!!!!! This is great!!!!!! Keep up your wonderful work! 🙂

  38. Don’t compare this snow to the last. It took me many more hours to shovel out my own snow last time. So I guess it goes without saying that the DPW plows took longer too. People also have to realize that they can be to blame when they leave their or their garbage bins or cars parked on the street, because the plows can’t do their job properly. The developments have no one to blame but, their builders. They should have made wider streets and more off the street parking. There is no where to park on garbage day, and not enough driveway space for the residents who have at least two cars each and a tenant besides. There is not even enough street parking for visitors let alone residents in most of these developments, and that’s when the weather is good.

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