Vehicle Burglar in Lakewood Caught on Video

A vehicle burglar in Lakewood was caught on surveillance video burglarizing vehicles over Shabbos.

These burglaries took place in the Ridge Avenue area.

It’s unknown if this is the same burglar who broke into a Shul in the E. 7th St. area over Shabbos.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Lakewood Police Department.

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  1. Both doors of those two cars were open. I mean unlocked.
    I guess you guys thought Mashiach already came.
    Now I understand what Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky (may his memory be blessed) said many years ago, he asked his Kehilla to try to refrain from wearing a Tallis on top of your jacket without a coat. The Rav said that we are still in Galus.

  2. No, no one invited a burglar because they left the door unlocked but time and time again this happens. We all need to be cautious about locking everything our houses, windows and car doors if you don’t want anything stolen and nobody should be leaving any valuables in their car

  3. You see, it is well known that cars parked in your driveway…and not on the street…are protected from thieves, so it’s okay to leave them unlocked. Clearly some thieves just don’t know about this rule, OR…egads!!!… choose to ignore it (of all the chutzpah)!

  4. Not a burglar. The person in the video is performing a good deed. Every Shabbos they walk around town and make sure vehicles are locked. If not they will lock them for the owner. It’s part of the town wide safety watch.

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