URGENT: Video Message from Retina Specialist Dr. Daniel Roth Regarding Upcoming Eclipse [UPDATED]

Dr. Daniel Roth, of Lakewood, is a Retina Specialist, and Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology – Rutgers and Robert Johnson Medical School.

See also an important message from Dr. Shanik, as well as from Hatzolah of Central Jersey.

As earlier reported, the eclipse, which will reach approximately 90% of coverage in New Jersey, starts Monday at 2:09 PM, and ends at 4:36 PM. It will peak in Lakewood at 3:25 PM

(TLS – Video coordinated by Dr. Rich Roberts)


ERG v.1 fact-sheet-41-solar-retinopathy (1)
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  1. Finally, a specialized doctor speaking about a matter related to his area of expertise. This is exactly where specialists can be trusted as opposed to matters regarding masks and vaccines, of which they knew barely more than the common self-educated man or woman possessing a modicum of common sense.

  2. Yes. Listen to Dr.s Shanik & Roth
    Don’t trust any ISO-12312-2 solar eclipse eyeglasses; many of those imported from Asia are fake , they say ISO-12312-2 but they are actually worthless garbage.
    Of most of those that are real are made very cheap and will filter very minimal. Regular even high end sunglasses will not do anything, Polarized lenses don’t even filter Ultraviolet light. Just stay indoors during the eclipse, don’t even look out of the window. We will all get to see it later in the day safely online .

  3. Kol Hakovod to Yeshiva Toras Ahron in Lakewood
    for changing their schedule Tomorrow
    to dismiss the whole yeshiva at 12:50 with transportation!

    In this way every child will have the ability to reach their home to be supervised at this dangerous time.

    While I’m sure that it may be very hard for people to arrange care for their children – if this will save one child from permanent eye damage it will all be worth it!

  4. I tried these glasses today. I noticed that one can NOT see any thing with them.

    While good for looking at the sun [for a few moments] one can not see where they are walking etc.

    My daughter is supposed to be dismissed during the eclipse. How is she supposed to see anything without talking off these glasses ??

  5. Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that you’re not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. And neither is it from me a businessman internet writer

    the shocking message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM of the recent earthquake and upcoming solar eclipse
    In April of 2024 the Tri-state area of the United States was hit by a 4.8 Earthquake. On the date of 4/8/24 April 8th just 3 days after the earthquake mentioned above happened a Solar Eclipse was in the skies of the United States that anyone who looks at the Sun during the time it happens their eye vision can Chas VShalom be badly affected. What does the Passuk of 4:8 say in sefer Shemos? Hashem is talking to Moshe Rabbeinu to be Hashems messenger to take the Yidden out of Mitzrayim and is showing Moshe Rabbeinu signs to show them for trust in Hashem with the first sign of his stick turning into a snake and the second sign of his hand becoming white like snow and what does the Passuk of 4:8 say exactly? “It shall be that if they do not believe you and do not need the voice of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the latter sign”. That’s the Passuk of 4:8 in Sefer Shemos earthquake at a 4.8 degree 3 days before the Solar Eclipse on 4/8/24 with all of them coming up with the same exact number of 4/8 in 3 different ways of sentence, degree and date. So what exactly is the message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM regarding this earthquake and Solar Eclipse 3 days apart from each other? If we think we can continue to live in denial and not accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together then Hashem will Have to tragically send another wake up call after the tragic earthquake happened of the Solar Eclipse that can damage for life a person’s vision and then maybe klal yisroel will finally listen to Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send Mashiach already b’karov.

    • Urgent correction:
      “and not accept Hashem’s wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together then Hashem will have to send another wake up call”.
      The word “tragic”, please save that word for Hamas, let that curse fall on them speedily.

    • the Yerushalmi in Brachos 9:2 discusses natural variants, it does not mention eclipse, but the Bavli in Sukkah 29a says that a solar eclipse can be an omen for Jews and it can come because of:

      1- Av Beis Din who died and was not mourned properly
      2- a Na’arah Hame’orasa who called for help in the city and was ignored
      3- a man with another man
      4- 2 brothers who were killed at the same time

      the Yerushalmi says that earthquakes can come because of 4 reasons:
      1- because of the Churban Bais Hamikdosh
      2- a man with a man
      3- machlokes
      4- it can be a sign of the fall of a government

  6. The sun is no more bright than any other day.

    You should never look directly at the sun. Sun viewing filters (and yes, there are fake ones out there) permit safe viewing of the sun on ANY DAY… You do not need these filters for any other activity besides looking at the sun.

    There is nothing special about today other than people have a desire to see the phenomenon. The caution is raised because people want to see it, and with part of the sun covered, there could be a misconstruction that it is safer to look at than another day- it is neither safer or more dangerous than any other time.

    You don’t have to stay inside or do anything abnormal- just don’t stare at the sun today or any other day.

    Rather than creating an ignorant scare, it would be nice if people had payed more attention during 5th grade science class growing up…

    • I take it that you did not see the videos or read any articles as they explain why the rays of the sun by a solar eclipse are more powerful and dangerous than a regular day.
      You are correct that one should not directly look at the sun. There’s a famous gemara (I think in Avoda Zara or Chulin) that a Roman asked an amora if he could see Hashem. The amora told him to go outside and look at the sun. Just like one can not look directly at the sun, so too Hashem is there, but we cannot see Him.

  7. The rays are not more powerful or more dangerous than any other day. Because most of the sun is obscured, it seems less bright than a typical day, but the sun rays from the exposed part of the sun are exactly as they always are.

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