UPDATE: The Fox Got the Eggs [VIDEO]

In a surveillance video we posted earlier this week – which has already garnered over 75,000 views – two Canadian Geese can be seen chasing a fox away from eggs laid near a building in Lakewood.

A new video we obtained now shows the persistent fox returned several hours later and was able to steal the eggs – some which were buried in the sand.

Check it out.

ICYMI: Here’s the original video:


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  1. I would think the evidence of the abduction is clearly visible on this new video. Now the question is, will this Fox be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, or will he walk off with a mere slap on the wrist?
    With a good attorney at his side, I would venture to say the Fox gets 2-3 days in Forest detention and then returns home to his Fox den, where he will surely head out again and prey on other vulnerable geese. It’s a vicious cycle. However, there is one commenter on this website whose name suggests he might be able to provide us with more info on these matters: Goose Gossage.
    Jus’ kiddin’, Goose. Goose Gossage was a Yankee player; I knew that.

  2. And now the ื ืžืฉืœ. The fox is the Democrat politicians who want to consume all of the hard earned income of American wage earners. The Canadian geese are the Republican voters who manage to keep the Democrats out of office for a while,but hence eventually the Democrats come back and will not keep their paws off and eat up all of our hard EARNED $

  3. Yes I understand this is normal, the derech of “nature”, of the ways of Hashem’s animal kingdom. Still doesn’t make me any less sad for the geese or any creature to actually see them lose their precious “babies”.
    Sounds nut but I’m almost in tears.

  4. Canadians should stay in Canada if they are so great
    Keep the feathers tho so we donโ€™t have a Moose Knuckle shortage

  5. Those birds should learn to
    1. Make their nest in a more hidden spot
    2.Take turns sitting on the nest so no fox can steal the eggs

  6. love it but maybe the fox is the yetzer harah who will try and try and every time you will try to push him away until he is just to sly and to strong and eventually he will get what he wants because without the proper gidorim its just a matter of time till he get you. get your phone tagged ืงื“ื•ืฉื™ื ืชื”ื™ื•

  7. Having foxes around a neighborhood is a good thing. Besides for geese (which can be quite the nuisance) they also keep the rodent population down.

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