UPDATE: Jackson School District Superintendent Responds After Teacher Makes Anti-Semitic Comments During Township Meeting

In response to last week’s ant-Semitic comments made by a Jackson School District teacher, a local resident sent the following letter to the District Superintendent, along with our link to the story:

“Ms. Pormilli,

I write this to you as a new resident who is appalled at your silence. Since October 7th we have seen an increase in hate and bigotry in academia. While free speech is allowed, it doesn’t mean that hate speech should be tolerated. As it was asked by a Congressional hearing with regard to academia, what is our code of standards?

Teachers are role models for children who help shape our future generations. I am shocked that such a hateful man can be trusted with our children. I would never allow my children to watch such a speech and I hope you wouldn’t either.

Mr. Bradley chose to identify himself as a district employee by wearing around his neck his district identification. Is the district okay being associated with his speech and is the district prepared to distance themselves from him? Our town deserves better.

I have attached to this email both the New Jersey Attorney General’s office and the Simon Wiesenthal Center as both have taken previous action in saying no to hate in our area. I hope that you can join them in saying NEVER AGAIN.”

This morning, the District responded with the following statement:

“The Jackson School District and Board of Education do not condone any speech that is – or is perceived to be – anti-semitic or hateful. The district believes any reference to genocide is unacceptable. We understand the hurtful impact this word evokes.

As you stated, free speech is protected by the First Amendment. The Jackson School District subscribes to the guidance provided by the Anti-Defamation League that just as speakers have a right to express their views, school administrators have a right to express their disagreement with those words.”


Nicole Pormilli
Jackson Township School District

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    • Neither when non vetted immigrants that maybe coming to commit terrorism since we have captured 169 extremely dangerous terrorists in the fbi lists. We don’t know how many got away. We need to be very vigilant because it may be the poison that may kill us. Not to mention Fentanyl danger and other drugs which are coming in to poison our children. So yes. Poison is a descriptive word of our problem. I should add that I know many wonderful people who are immigrants who are good. Respected good workers. And that I am an immigrant myself but we collectively are scared of unchecked immigration

  1. “Just as speakers have the right to express their views, school administrators have a right to express their disagreement with those words.”
    Espousing antisemitism in the council chamber is something that mustn’t be tolerated; simply expressing disagreement with the bigots doesn’t cut it; it’s insufficient.

    • Both Thomas Bradley and Lynne Bradley should be fired because of Thomas Bradley’s Anti-Semitism comments. This should not be allowed in our school system

  2. All the work that was done the past 50 years or so, including Martin Luther King, etc, is about to go down the drain. As we see in history, it starts with anti semitism and then goes to racism and other hate discrimination..

  3. You’re upset with the comments expressed by the current residents of Jackson Township. Try being the brunt of the takeover of our rights, how much different would you feel if we all set our sites on Lakewood and decided it should be Christian and took you took court screaming antisemitism every step of the way. This is a two way street that you all don’t understand. Not against your ancestral religion just your way of going about it and what we Christians are willing to pay for

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