TLS met up with Brice, a DPW Employee and Volunteer Firefighter, while he was delivering those big yellow Recycle Bins this morning. Without wasting too much of his time, TLS asked him how the delivery process is going. “There’s about 6 trucks currently delivering the new bins around town, and we each deliver approximately 80 bins per day” Brice said. As can be seen in the photo, as the yellow bins are delivered, the blue cans are picked up and placed in the truck. He asked that all residents keep their old blue bins in the front of their residence, so the DPW can pick them up.
All Lakewood residents are expected to have their new yellow bins over the next few weeks.
Will Harold promise to keep the blue in and the yellow out?
Please save Sholom Rubashkin. Donate to the pidyon shevuyim fund today!
The old blue cans are now for sale in the toy store on 3rd st.
It’s being given away to the homeless.
I think we should keep things black and white
Black for trash
white for recycling
What happens with all empoyees doing this work after this project is complete? How about the drivers of the old trucks that are not needed anymore since we are doing the pickups only once every two weeks as apposed to every week?
i thought of this, as it would save the dpw time & hence us taxpayers money. however i believe keeping bins in front of your house for possibly weeks at a time could probably get you a) a ticket b) recycling bins blown around streets.
If this is dpw’s idea, then shouldnt have they been getting the word out in the media so that everyone would know to do this? It’s amazing how something so simple isn’t thought of ahead of time similar to the basement renter census issue which the c.c.c. only thought of after the forms were already sent out
the yellow cans are not big enough can we still use the blue?
is it only me or is it kind of strange that if they have 6 truckes delivering bins all day how come they can only deliver 80 bins a day?! Thats Government hard at work for you!
Yes number 9 it is only you. It says 6 trucks each delivering 80 per day.
to # 9
“and we each deliver approximately 80 bins”
each x 6 . still a low # though
80 per truck seems right it takes time to give these big things out
Why couldnt they have just made the big yellow garbages blue? The bigger ones are better but the yellow is such an eye sore!
There is a reason why the regular garbages are green. They blend into the scenery. Blue blends ok too. But yellow? The only thing worse than yellow would have been pink.
Can anyone explain why of all things garbage cans need to be strikingly nocticable? What an eye sore!
Oh the pain!
i think yellow is great! ITS A SHOW OF LAKEWOODS BOLD ATTEMPT
#14, it’s environment, not enviorment.
will they give more then 1 yellow to replace my 4 blue ones or will they charge me for the xtra bins as they did with the garbage bins???
complain complain thats all you do
I’m moving because of the color of the new can!
The yellow trash bins take a lot of time getting used to. I hope my
adjustment will be an easy one. It’s sort of like getting
a new dog—that’s yellow.
Le# 6 how can you think with all the new homes going up all over the place they can spare to get rid of any of the DPW staff this town is growning at an alarming pace let’s hope the town is smart enough to see that
Harold paid for the YELLOW garbage to campaign to become the MAYOR !!! He sticks out just like the garbage cans:)
Good job campaign manager , hope to see you soon
To see our old true blue garbage cans in the truck (see article’s picture). I’ve made copies of the picture ( oh man, my apologies Mr. TLS big guy that I didn’t ask permission first) and I’m in the process of getting it framed. It is a little sad but it also reminds me of the good times, like the Nor’easters that sent it airborne, the blizzard that buried ol’ blue eyes, and the time my kids turned it upside down and got the frisbee out of the bush…I can go on and on, but hey, that’s life.
Pass me a tissue please.
I love yellow
I hate blue
but I’m a purple dinosaur
and I’m not you
so whatever your feelings are about the change
please don’t cry or we’ll think you’re strange
Clifford is the best dog anyone can know
I love Clifford the big Yellow dog (the extra syllable is awkward but…)
I can’t believe no one figured out why they are yellow. The reason is so that the code inspector can drive down a street and easily see which houses don’t have a recyclable can out. Any house that doesn’t gets their green garbage can sifted through; if you have ANYTHING recyclable in there you get a fine. Enough people make a mistake and the yellow bins are paid for!!
BRICE!!! your famous, your on the scoop!
Me like living in big yellow garbage can. Me have more room.
I’ll sleep better knowing that my new yellow trash recycling bin
is saving our planet. By the way, you ever see those pictures of Earth from outer space? Looks BLUE to me.
I don’t know about you, but I’m really confused about the new rules for recycled objects. I can no longer throw in plastic cups, plates, and utensils? Only plastic bottles that have necks? Was it always like that? There I was teaching my kids to be good stewards of the environment and they were real good about it. Now we’re all confused and constantly questioning every item. The only good thing I like about the new yellow cans is that I can throw cardboard in there, but now that I can’t throw so much other recycling, I’ll need another green can.
Please contact The TLS editor offline if you have an offer.
Are they squirrel proof? Cause my green ones look like swiss cheese.
I’m curious. How much did our township pay for these yellow bins? Was an alternate color available? I’m sure there was because even if you can tolerate the yellow color, I doubt it’s anyone’s first choice.. So did our town and tax dollars get a good deal on these bins? Do we have access to this information? I ‘m sorry to raise the yellow flag here.
Love the yellow trash bins they brighten up the township
Thanks for the comment of being Famous