YOUR family’s music according to YOUR personal Hashkafos

Changing The Tune of Jewish Music

The way we listen to music has evolved over the years. What started out as gramophones and music boxes morphed into radios, jukeboxes, audio cassettes (don’t forget the eight-track!) and walkmen. As technology advanced, so did the clunky listening devices — from boomboxes, CD players and discmen to the MP3 and iPod, which changed the world forever.

Since the invention of the iPod, and then the iPhone in 2007, technology has developed at an incredible pace to make them faster and easier to use. Today, you can barely find a trace of the older music products.

Music software has also seen major advancements over the last 2 decades. It’s moved from dragging and dropping and burning, to compact memory sticks and downloading, and finally to streaming. Accessing music on compact, portable devices has become easier than ever.

Facing the music.
All of this wonderful innovation went ahead without any input or guidance from our Gedolim and Manhigim. At no point did these tech giants work to ensure their compatibility with our Torah lifestyle. Spotify is so convenient. It’s so simple to sign up for an account and stream to your heart’s content. But Spotify doesn’t care about the neshama of a Yid. Neither does Apple Music, YouTube, or Amazon. In fact, the more they go against Jewish values, the more profitable they become. Unlimited, unfettered access to content across the spectrum is a priority for them.

But we believe in boundaries. We believe in protecting our eyes, ears, and minds, and safeguarding our spirituality. The freedom to search and be exposed to all content is antithetical to our way of life. Needless to say, attempts to work with these companies on filtering capabilities were met with derision. They need that openness. It goes against their business model to accommodate our sensitivities.

Parents were left with 2 choices – stick to the old route, which has its dangers, or capitulate to the new wave of technology and hope for the best.

These chinuch issues now have an appropriate solution: LEARN MORE:

Left to our devices.
The MP3 and memory stick route, while safer, created its own set of issues, mainly those of stealing and illicit content making its rounds. Since downloading, uploading and syncing these devices can be so tedious, well-intentioned Jewish kids started sharing music with each other. Not because they wanted to steal. It just seemed like an innocuous way of getting your hands on the latest hit songs – an innocent mistake that led to thousands of dollars in lost revenue for Jewish singers and artists.

The second, more dangerous route, was handing children iPhones and iPads with family music accounts, and hoping for the best. And then they would pray not to lose their kids to Spotify… 

It’s so easy to get lost. A simple search turns up reams of inappropriate results, even as you type. Also, the lack of a designated platform for Kol Isha creates a pitfall for young boys. And browsing and AI-generated playlists definitely don’t take hashkafa into account. It’s time to change the tune for Jewish music listeners.

24Six is an all-new, cohesive solution that will usher in a new stage for Jewish entertainment, where you can manage your family’s content and stream worry-free. Using leading technologies built for the Jewish family, 24Six enables you to have your values and music too.

Your family. Your values. Your control.
Everyone’s view of entertainment is different, and hashkafos may differ. What you consider OK might not be OK for someone else. Everyone has their own derech; camps, mosdos, yeshivos and schools have their own standards. 

  • 24Six gives every user the ability to define their own standards and build their own media experience. 

  • Users can use customizable filters with full control – blocking artists, categories or even all video content – and the blocked content simply won’t show up. The app will automatically resize, revise the layout, and modify tabs to match your updated preferences. 

  • Communities, yeshivos and public institutions will have the option of building public filters for their members and families that use the platform.

Enjoy a 7-Day Free Trial!

Keeping high profiles
The advanced user profile system enables you to tailor a hashkafically-sound experience. Every user – including family members on the same account – creates their own profile with their age and gender. 

Under strict Rabbinical guidance, default filters are built into the platform. 

  • Firstly, anything not fit for a Jewish home is immediately rejected. 

  • Any content that is geared towards a female audience, including Kol Isha, can only be seen and accessed by female profiles.

  • Topics geared towards parents, such as parenting classes and podcasts, will not be accessible to children. 

See how the custom profiles work on 24Six’s Website:

While you enjoy the perks of a hashkafically-sound music platform, know that you’re not missing out on any convenience or features. 24Six probably includes more features than the major streaming apps, so users won’t feel like they are missing out on Apple or Spotify, in fact, the UX was built to be easier and more enjoyable. 

The 24Six developers have included a slew of familiar features from private and public playlists to integrated music videos and full album jackets for easy viewing. 

– State-of-the-art AI will analyze your entertainment style and offer related suggestions for smooth autoplay. 

– You can view recent additions and new episodes at a glance, and search by song, album, podcast, video and more.

A new era of music is here. Start streaming today!

24Six Exclusives
24Six has signed deals with today’s hottest artists and producers to bring you exclusive music, podcast, and video content from your favorite artists, all on one entertainment platform. Some artists will stream their music ONLY on 24Six.

The roster of entertainers joining the platform is growing day by day. You’ll be able to stream all your favorite artists anytime, anywhere. No need for 5 different subscriptions – you can find all your top artists in one central hub.


  • 24Six is a first-class kosher entertainment experience, with vast filtering capabilities and solid hashkafa, all at the tips of your fingers. 

  • The technology is cutting-edge and easily available, and best of all, it allays all fears of piracy and of foreign influences entering your home. 

  • It’s a win-win-win, and we’re excited to bring it to our communities. 

The platform is already available on the Apple & Google app stores as well as on the Kosher SafeTelecom store. You can access it anytime, anywhere, 24/6! Try it out FREE at

$9.99 a month to solve today’s most costly entertainment Issues.
24Six is a platform that everyone can use! All of these features and so many more can be yours for just $9.99/mo. That’s $10 a month to solve today’s most grave entertainment Issue. 

A dual plan with 2 profiles will be $14.99/mo, and a family plan of 4 profiles will be $19.99/mo. Additional profiles can be added for only $3/mo. 24Six.

Change the way you look at Jewish Entertainment forever!


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