You thought $8 Chanukah donuts were expensive? Wait till you see these

Last year, Lakewood for the first time saw Chanukah donuts at $8 from the Chocco Shop, but that’s now a bargain compared to this year’s Chanukah donuts. 

This year, the bar was raised – and pun intended.

Instead of buying ready-made $8 donuts (like the ones pictured), and are looking for something a bit more ‘unusual’, read on.

When walking in to the Chocco Shop this Chanukah, you’ll notice a ‘Donut Bar’, where you can actually build and fill your own donut.

Their mission statement reads: “You will be able to build your very own donut based on your own preference. That’s right, we will slice the fresh soft donut, you will select three of your favorite mousse flavors to be added to the center of it, and we will finish it off with dripping hot sauce fudge, your preference of crunch, and our Chocco Shop touch.”

Oh, the price? $14.

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  1. While I think that $14 a donut is quite steep,I can’t imagine why Lakewood Scoop feels the need to write an aticle oozing with sarcasm about a Lakewood business. Let the customers decide if they want to pay for that. If there is a market for it, why not? Why the negativity? You don’t like it don’t buy it.

    • @From Toms River

      While I don’t really know the halachic aspects of this in hilchos lashon harah, I would suspect in this specific circumstance that the Lakewood Scoop writing about it might help the store (in advertisement) more than it will harm them. Those who felt $8 is too much wont but it any way and those are into spending a lot on the “ultimate donut” will want to know about it

  2. Disgusting! Why are they still in business? Where are they getting customers from? As the years go on I keep wondering if people still know who really won that war. Why don’t we learn our lesson that all this gashmiyus is not good for us. We have people who move in and destroy the once beautiful “Ir HaTorah”. Even if it is out there let’s not publicize it or encourage it.

  3. Wow that’s a great idea. I hope they have allot of hatzlacha. @CocoaShopp keep it up! This is free advertisement! Drink it all in! Thank you Lakewood scoop for keeping us aware of the latest hock. For those that are against it. Feel free to hit the little x icon on top of this page and then no more issues.

  4. This is what we in the industry call “Negative Advertising”. I assume paid for by the Chocco Shop themselves.
    Well played. But I will stick to painting donuts instead of eating them.

  5. I’m not sure why TLS feels the need to bash another Jews business in a public forum. They are charging for the experience not the actual donut. Anyone not interested in the experience doesn’t have to go but don’t put negativity into potential customers minds.

  6. And this is why we dont have mashiach. We as a community have to work on ben adam lachavero. Bashing a local bussiness isnt going to bring mashiach!!!!! How low can we get?! Even though im on a diet i will try and go buy a 14$ doughnut to support this store.

  7. I used to be a big fan of the Chocco shop. Key word is used to.
    I think this is outrages that they can charge so much for a doughnut!!!! They make nice hearts and other stuff in fact i got my wife something from there as it looks nice and people say they taste good but how can they charge so much for a doughnut?????

  8. Stay on ur diet
    Enough people will enjoy
    He will Iyh get business
    From those that don’t have to worry
    About dieting (that’s till after Chanukah)

  9. I met the owner of this store and the appear to be from the finest most wonderful bnei torah that I have met. They are just trying to make parnassah and apparently there are people who want to pay. If you think about it- if you go out for a dessert in a cafe it also costs a few dollars so I would look at it more like that you are paying more for an experience. Personally I am on a diet though.

  10. TLS should be ashamed of themselves; why the negativity?! Last I checked, they aren’t forcing anybody to buy it. I wonder if the editor of this article actually realizes that just because it’s called a “donut” it doesn’t need to be $2.50. Why is this any different then a crepe or whatever that cost a similar price. Last point, if TLS is looking for exploitation the last place they should be looking is at an innocent man trying to support his family.

  11. איכה ישבה בדד העיר . Nebech, this is what the heilige YomTov Chanukah has become. And in Lakewood to boot. Magazine advertising all kind of crazy gifts for men women and children, donuts at 14.00. No wonder all these tragedies are happening lately.

  12. Ad Sh’yispalel sh’yichnas Torah l’soch mayev yispallel sh’al yichnaso madanim l’soch mayav.

    There are designated times where eating is a Mitzvah such as on Shabbos, Yom Tov.

    Chanukah is not one of those designated times.

  13. I cannot believe you are all so naive out there and are bashing the scoop for posting. The business obviously paid for this ad and if they didn’t pay they are even happier!! Calm down and enjoy life…

  14. Last year it was mehadrin this year its mehadrin min hamehadrin!
    This is bh a free country. You are welcome to buy them and you are welcome NOT to buy them. The only shayla is if anyone figured out a dietetic doughnut so we don’t have to come away from chanukah with gadlus in all areas.

  15. 1. $15 for a bagel?!? Yes, if you put cream cheese, lox, tuna, eggs and home fries with lettuce onions tomatoes and pickles. Same thing here, you’re paying for the extras, not the donut.

    2. For those who shout “What has lakewood come to”?! One way We celebrate Chanukah is by eating donuts. You wouldn’t scream at someone who has a $5000 menorah or a store that sells it, would you? You have a menorah that you can afford and you should treat this the same way.
    If it wasn’t related to a Yom Tov or anything ruchnius then we can start complaining but until then let’s enjoy it in a way that meets our needs or even wants. Happy Chanukah!

  16. Go to any of the fine dining establishments in town and you will see prices that rival and manhattan restaurant. $190 for a steak dinner for two with an entree. And yes many night if you don’t have reservations you can’t gay a seat- they are packed with people.

    I don’t see why the doughnuts are any different. Not really newsworthy. We are long past the days when we can close our eyes, and pretend that smartphone and social media people who want all that olam hazeh has to offer and want it now, don’t exist. No need to judge them.These are often wonderful people who contribute generously to many worthy causes and may even learn each day, but they have almost nothing to do with the concept of a Ben Torah.

    The reality is that a Ben Torah in Lakewood today whether working or learning has to acknowledge what is going on and be proud that he is true to the goal of why he is put on this earth. There is no other way. Live and let live and let your children know that you are proud of and happy with who you are and the life you have chosen to lead.

  17. Big’s an activity …if you take them on vacation to paint ceramics it’ll cost at least the same and you are left with a ceramic that is either presentable or not tht you have to hang up, be careful not to break ..find room for least this gets enjoyed and is chanukha themed …relax…

  18. WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!


    We all know that eating a doughnut on CHANUKAH is a MITZVAS ASE DORAYSA…

    Now let’s think for a minute, how much do we pay for a MATZOH for PESACH? Minimum $30 a lb.

    How much do we pay for a LULAV AND ESROG? minimum $300.

    I don’t see anyone yelling, why is a LULAV & ESROG or MATZOH so expensive!!!!



  19. what happenned to your beutiful ihr hatorah is people moved in from brooklyn and brought their meshugana “haute” lifestyle with them. the poor are to be put to shame and no one cares. how i wish i could bring my children up to live a somple lifestyle but alas the only way to do that is to move away from the traif brooklyn lifestye

  20. Let’s skip the price of the donuts…let’s remember where they end up a few hours after digestion!!
    We have become such “FOODIES” it’s such a grub word. A yid is meant to eat to live not live to eat.
    You can accomplish the “hiddur mitzva” with a $2 donut (mind you I don’t think donuts need to be hiddur, what’s the source?).
    That $5000 menorah is used for a few hours for 8 days. It then ends up in the breakfront after Chanukah. Hopefully to be used year after year. And maybe even handed down to a (unspoiled) grandchild.
    A donut? Not so much.
    The fact that the seller is “ehrlich” has nothing to do with supporting him.
    We all kvetch when our “ehrliche” morahs raise tuition.
    We all sigh when the “ehrliche” tzeddaka organizations ask for $18 (only $4 more then 1 donut!).
    We hand the “ehrliche” meshulachim $1 without qualms.
    Please think before throwing out your money. There are many who would gladly take your “spare” change.

  21. Can everyone please calm down.

    This is a fancy dessert; not a donut.

    You pay $14 for dessert in a restaurant, you pay $14 for a waffle with ice cream; this is the same idea.

    It’s business, it has nothing to do with Chanukah.

    I personally love mousse and its a great treat to enjoy at night with husband when kids are asleep.

  22. Everyone screaming about the Gashmius in Lakewood should get off the internet! What are you doing browsing the Scoop on Chanuka!!! Everyone else get out and buy a doughnut and smile!

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