Yeshiva Nesivos Ohr Could Remain Intact Under New Leadership

Following a meeting this afternoon, Yeshivah Nesivos Ohr could reopen under new leadership without splitting up the classes to send them off to different schools, TLS has learned.

The boys elementary school which could remain ‘Nesvos Ohr’ for some time before it is renamed, was forced to close due to financial constraints, leaving 150 children without a place for the new year.

The final plans are expected to be confirmed by tomorrow.

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  1. They had better decide really soon because schools are starting next week already. It is extremely stressful for the parents and children alike, not knowing where their sons will be attending school at this late date.

  2. Under the plan the 20 boys that were accepted to other mosdos would now be turned away and sent back to Nesivios Ohr so that the yeshiva could continue. Overall I think its a good idea and win for all parents.

  3. What emotional stress these parents and Rabbeyim and teachers must be going through.
    HaShem should be mechazek all of you.

    It’s no wonder that the parents want to hold on to the mosad. The Rabbeyim are phenominal. Beyond phenominal. Each one, a gem.
    Having sent two boys to Nesivos Ohr from primary through 8th, I know the place well.

  4. “was forced to close due to financial constraints”
    TLS please know the true facts before posting a post
    a big thanks to Y B & S G for all that you have done

  5. attention parents & rabbeim
    have bitachon & emunah in Hashem, for then you will lack nothing & only see happiness (psalms 34)

    we all go through difficult life tests throughout our lives, thats why we were put in this world, have courage & maintain your faith in Hashem

  6. I can not even begin to imagine the emotional roller coaster these families must be going through. How is it possible that the school could not foresee such dire circumstances looming in the future and not come up with a solution sooner? I hope for all involved, the situation will be rectified quickly.

  7. to #5 what you say sounds good but put your self in the shoes of families who kids have not gotten into school and unfornutely its hard to think positive when you are suffering

  8. The tuition crisis is the one of the biggest facing Klal Yisroel. Yet, not a thing being done about it.

    The American economy is just not set up for families to pay six or eight tuitions. (Plus chasunahs, but that is being addressed, boruch Hashem.)

    There are great askonim out there who really care, and working tirelessly behind the scenes to bring down the costs of simchas, overall. But I don’t think anyone is working on the tuition crisis.

    Perhaps an Oorah-like mossad for frum people?

  9. I subbed in that school for English a few times. It is a very nicely run School. I hope it stays together for the staff/kids sake. Truthfully, however, the staff issue will have to be addressed, as the staff is owed salaries over several months – which quickly accumulates to a very tidy sum. Hatzlochah ! Dudi B

  10. I heard the BOE is looking to move it’s offices to this site. Are the rumors accurate? Is it true negotiations are almost finalized to make the move. I think it woud be great.

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