Yeshiva Chemdas Hatorah Invites Community To Hachnosas Sefer Torah

“Ashrei Mi Sh’Amali B’Torah!” The Simcha and excitement of the Leibidig Simchas Torah Hakofos of Yeshiva Chemdas HaTorah reverberates still. It was the charged excitement and Simcha of Bochurim who feel accomplished in their Limudim and confident in their goals for Kinyan HaTorah. The Simcha will now continue as Yeshiva Chemdas HaTorah prepares for a Hachnosas Sefer Torah that will IY”H take place this Sunday.

Yeshiva Chemdas HaTorah, under the leadership of the beloved Marbitz Torah, Horav Moshe Pruzansky, is well-known in Lakewood as a Choshuv’e Makom Torah. Chemdas Hatorah’s Rebbeim are Talmidei Chachomim who relate to the Bochurim with warmth and love, enabling each Talmid to achieve his full potential in Torah, Yiras Shomayim, and Middos Tovos. The Talmidim are serious Bnei Torah from the finest Torah homes. With great Siyata D’Shmaya, the Bochurim are developing into Talmidei Chachomim and Ovdei Hashem. A happy, vibrant atmosphere fills the Yeshiva, along with a Ruach of Hasmada, Achdus, and She’ifa for Gadlus. There is a great emphasis on clarity and Kinyan in the Shiurim, and the level of Hasmada is high.

On Sunday, 9 Cheshvan, Yeshiva Chemdas Hatorah will celebrate a major Simchas HaTorah, the Hachnosas Sefer Torah of the Jedwab Sefer Torah. The entire Lakewood community is invited to join the Chemdas HaTorah family in this great Simcha.

The Sefer Torah is being donated by Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Marilyn Jedwab of Lawrance, Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. Jedwab are well known for their Chesed and Tzedaka. They are actively involved in the Lawrence Kollel and many D’varim Sheb’kedusha. Their Chashivus HaTorah, kindness, warmth, and generosity are legendary.

The connection between Mr. and Mrs. Jedwab and the Pruzansky family actually began decades before Chemdas Hatorah was even established. When Rav Tzvi Pruzansky ZT”L, along with YBL”C his brothers R’ Yossi and R’ Moish, established Yeshiva Bais Binyomin in Stamford L’Zecher Nishmas their father, it was the Jedwab family who helped put that Yeshiva onto stable financial footing. Mr. and Mrs. Jedwab stayed involved in the Stamford Yeshiva and maintained a lifelong Kesher with the Pruzansky family. This bond continued with the Jedwab Mishpacha helping to support Rav Moshe’s Chaburo in Bais Medrash Govoha. When Chemdas Hatorah was established, Mr. and Mrs. Jedwab continued to offer their encouragement and support from the onset. The dedication of the Jedwab Sefer Torah is a most meaningful continuation of this wonderful friendship.

The magnificent new Sefer Torah was written in honor of their dear children and grandchildren, and L’Zecher Nishmas Mr. and Mrs. Jedwab’s parents, as well as the father of their beloved Rav, Rabbi Gruber. May it indeed bring an Aliya to the Nishomos of Yerachmiel and Mattel Esther Jedwab, Yisroel and Perel Sommer, and Rav Avrohom Zev Gruber ZT”L. May the Zechus of this great Mitzvah bring much Brocha to the Jedwab family.

The Hachnosas Sefer Torah will IY”H take place this Sunday, 9 Cheshvan (November 6) at 1:30 p.m. with the participation of Rabbanim. The procession will begin at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and North Avenue, and continue to the Yeshiva building at 950 Massachusetts Avenue where the singing and dancing will continue at a Seuda Lichvoda Shel Torah. Yeshiva Chemdas Hatorah invites all of its friends and neighbors to join the Rebbeim, Talmidim, and extended family at this joyous event. May we always share in Simchos!

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  1. R moshe has an unbelieveable koach to instill in the bochrim a geshmak for tora and yiras shamayim. Stop by for a tfila or during seder and you’ll be amazed at the kol tfila/tora of these young bochurim.

  2. The Mashgiach of the yeshiva -Rabbi Gordon- is an unbelievable person aside from his very practical and fiery Shmoozen he is also a big pekayach and know how 2 reach out 2 a Bachur -i hope the Hanhala appreciates him – he’s a gem of a person and has limitless hashpah on his seviva !! With much siyata dishmaya and hatzlachah

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