Yehuda Abraham has been named as the Township’s new Purchasing Agent, officials confirmed. Abraham, the Director of Business Development for the UEZ, has replace Al Deneros, who resigned last month. Deneros, who has been the Township’s Agent for about 4 years, resigned to take a position in North Jersey.
The Purchasing Agent’s job involves obtaining goods and services for the Township via RFPs etc., as well as other administrative functions. TLS.
iIm very happy for Yehuda ,i know that he will do a great job your friend from south lake dr
Very Choshuva person! Reb Yehuda is well known for his sterling Middos, Layv Tov, attention to detail, concern for others and will handle these new responsibilities with class, professionalism and make Lakewood proud of having him in this role.
It is so nice to see when good people get some recognition, especially the ones who shy away from it and would rather the spotlight on others.
Mazal Tov Reb Yehuda and hatzlacha Rabba in all you do for our community.
Super honest.
might be a good guy but tell us his Background, with the state of the economy what can he bring to us beside attention to detail. what buisness came to lakewood to help my taxes go down. they are running out of the industrial area just because schools are increasing their liability as a buisness
Reb Yehuda is a Bal Chesed. He went way out of his way to give me a ride home from the mechanic. That was the first time I met him!
lakewood (moderated) and i’m sure this comment will be “moderated”
no need to moderate me. I am already moderate. oh and as for the topic here, very good move. Great person, will be a continuing credit to the town.
Much Hatzlacha in your new position!!
Thank for all the help at the UEZ!!!
great choice, people of lakewood! reb yehuda is a devoted, honest man, and so it seems the finances are in good hands. and honestly, i hope he buys good stuff for lakewood!
yehuda is a marvelous person and i wish him the best of luck!
Reb Yehuda is an extremely honest person and I know he will spend Lakewood’s money wisely. Great choice!