X-Ray Photos: Lakewood Boy Swallows Soda Can Tab

A Lakewood boy was miraculously not injured after mistakenly swallowing a metal soda can tab.

The six-year-old boy was bending the tab back and forth – like all kids do – until it fell into the soda. But he later continued drinking the soda, not realizing it was inside his drink. The next thing he knew, he had swallowed the sharp metal tab.

Though he was feeling fine, he was taken for x-rays, and the tab was spotted inside his stomach.

The doctor recommended the parents leave it alone, explaining that it appeared to be moving though his intestines.

On the following day, the tab came out of his system – again miraculously without injury.

The boy’s parents shared the pictures with TLS:

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  1. not miraculous. Xray totally not necessary. . .waste of time, waste of money. . .waste of anxiety, unnecessary exposure.. not news worthy.

    If this patient would have called Dr Shanik, he would have said not to worry….

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