PHOTO: (Click to enlarge) A Woman is lucky to be alive after striking a a deer on Cedarbridge Avenue this morning. The deer was struck around 8:45 a.m. this morning, and shattered the windshield on the passenger side. The woman escaped without injury. (VIDEO: Deer standing near the road on 7th street last week).
Woman Strikes Deer After It Leaps Onto Cedarbridge Avenue

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We got them all over town! Be especially careful driving in the E Kennedy areas i.e Villas and Brookhill.
I saw officer Hornack chase that deer out of its eruv……
This happened on Main St between Clifton Ave & Rt 9 by the Wachovia Bank
the deer have been living in Lakewood way before the black hatters, all kidding aside, The most dangerous mammal in North America is…Bambi. The U.S. Department of Transportation estimates that white-tailed deer kill around 130 Americans each year simply by causing car accidents. In 1994, these predator deer had a banner year, causing 211 human deaths in car wrecks.
There are about 1.5 million deer/vehicle collisions annually, resulting in 29,000 human injuries and more than $1 billion in insurance claims in addition to the death toll. Deer also carry the ticks that transmit Lyme disease to about 13,000 people each year. Economic damage to agriculture, timber, and landscaping by deer totals more than $1.2 billion a year.
you can tske the territory away from the deer but the deer will never leave that territory