During the past few years, there has been an increased push to try to reduce the number of cars on the road. In addition to the traffic this creates, many people are also concerned about the environment. As a result, mass transit has become more popular. While mass transit may be successful in some communities, such as the larger cities in Europe, mass transit in the United States, and in the suburbs globally, has been a bigger issue. There are a few big issues that arise when people try to push mass transit as the most common form of transportation.
One of the biggest problems that develops when people try to push mass transit is that crime increases in these areas. There is no way to avoid it. The vast majority of people who take mass transit, particularly in the suburbs, do not have the money to afford a car of their own. The numbers show that underprivileged and disadvantaged socioeconomic communities have higher crime rates. Mass transit makes it easier for these individuals to move into the suburbs, as a result, mass transit may also increase the amount of crime that is present in the suburbs. Given that there are families and children present, particularly in the Lakewood area, it is important to try to keep these crime rates as low as possible. Mass transit works against this issue.
Next, it is also important to note that there are accidents that still take place when mass transit is involved. When people think about mass transit, they come in like think about trains and subways. The reality is that mass transit also includes buses. Bus accidents are a serious issue. Given that they are significantly larger than the average passenger car, there are major injuries that might result. When people are in control of their own motor vehicles in the Lakewood area, this is better.
Finally, there are also major scheduling issues that arise when people rely on mass transit. If the train gets delayed, people might be late for doctor’s appointments, important meetings, or their shift at work. Even though people might be able to avoid some types of traffic by taking mass transit, trains, subways, and buses can still break down and get delayed. This can cause people to fall behind, reducing the reliability of mass transit.
These are just a few of the biggest problems that can be created by mass transit. Even though it is good to try to reduce traffic and pollution, mass transit may not be the answer. There are a lot of ancillary issues that arise in communities that allow mass transit to spread. Therefore, it is important to note that are some alternatives to mass transit as well.