WATCH LIVE: Presidential Inauguration Ceremony of Joe Biden
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We know that Biden, in years past, has taken plenty of campaign cash from pro-Iranian lobbyists. We also know that he told surprised staffers a few weeks after the 9/11 attacks: “Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran.”
So I’ll be curious to see if there will be any Iranian Mullahs among Biden’s distinguished guests at the inauguration. Of course, it’s quite possible the Mullah’s would prefer to attend the ceremony remotely via video conference due to the virus. But considering Biden’s expressions of love toward them, I would think they would make the extra effort to attend in person. I don’t know. We’ll see.
I hope you realize that now is not 2001, and Iraq and Iran were traditional foes, and that could have been the appropriate reaction to 9/11. It is not relevant to the policies of today. Someone who cannot let go of the past, should not be expressing opinions about the present.
But talking about the present, how much uranium did Iran enrich since Trump sent them the message that they could through unilaterally breaking a signed treaty? Obama managed to hold it back, Trump encouraged it. Let us hope Biden will find a practical solution, something that will produce results, not bluster.
I don’t see how anyone could justify a $200 million check to Iran.
Using the argument of Iran and Iraq being traditional foes is disingenuous; Biden wasn’t looking to counter Iraq with the $200 million check.
Additionally, Biden’s campaign contributions from pro-Iranian regime lobbyists has been well documented.
Ultimately, any nuclear deal with Iran will only strengthen Iran financially, and bolster its terrorist agenda, even if Iran postpones its nuclear program.
Additionally, when Obama made the nuke deal with Iran, suddenly the language in the UN resolution that prohibited Iran from testing ballistic missiles changed; the new language merely “called upon” Iran to halt the tests. And Iran now uses this language change to claim it is not violating UN prohibitions when it tests the missiles.
If the US government would negotiate with the Mafia, you would laugh and scoff; but substitute the word “Mafia” and put in the word “Iran”. and suddenly it makes sense?
A deal with the regime will only will make the regime stronger. Period. Moreover, Iran has used their proxies, and armed them with weapons that have killed many US soldiers, including those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Ultimately, the Iranian regime only understands one thing: Strength and powerful retribution.
Mukasey lobbies for iranians that want to get back in power the man Broide that trump pardon want don’t you read about him. Also trump resinded EO against former govt officials lobbying govt, so all his people can become lobbyist. Washington is swampy but no one more swamy then your beloved trump and his family.
At Last !!!
America is Great, again.
Why don’t you all read the oligarchs trump and kushners then come talk