Watch Live Now: DNC Night 4, Biden Accepts Nomination

Former Vice President Joe Biden will accept the Democratic nomination for president tonight.

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  1. He is NOT looking straight at the camera lens but a prompter slightly to the left (stage-left) of the lens. He’s reading the whole pack of propaganda lies. Too bad the Yo-Yo jugglers aren’t back tonight. I’m watching David Blaine videos. His illusions are amazing. Joe’s delusions are making are also amazing but they make me nauseous. Did you hear him mention Hunter? He said his wife will be a great first-lady, a great PRESIDENT. He can’t even follow the script right in front of him let alone come up with this folksy CBS on his own.

  2. I earnestly believe that the Republicans have lost their claim as the party of faith, a claim they had since Reagan and his moral majority.

    This mantle has just passed to the Democrats.

    People brace yourselves. History will be written.

    We are going to see a decade like no other in bringing America into the world of the future. From ending racism, protecting our health, reforming qualified immunity so that safety and securing a perimeter is not an excuse for violating our humanity, saving the planet, a resurgence of domestic manufacturing, restoration of unionism (like my grandmother in the ILGWU after the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, the teachers’ union is standing for me today), standing up to our enemies and reestablishing our alliances, restoring America strength, its compassion,its honesty, leadership, and a renewed faith in our purpose, and the belief passed down from my great-grandfather to my progeny, that this is the land of dreams and possibilities.

    The Democrats are charged like never before in my sixty years. They are inclusive, religious, diverse and extremely patriotic. I is a proud day for our country.

    • I must comment on what I wrote.

      These above mentioned issues are political. When I mention global warming, I do not speak of doomsday. I speak of the destruction of our coastal areas (my parent’s beach house used to be the second row), wildfire and extreme weather patterns. To the extent man has contributed to the damage, man can undo the damage. If man has caused damage, we can take different positions, but his should never be a religious issue. I still resent the “teacher” who embarrassed my son in class, making fun of him in public, after we both were inspired by Al Gore’s documentary.

      Some of us need a cause, tikun olam. We cannot all be driven by the quaint quest for money. People are diverse in spirit and in opinion.

      The American has always been a man of faith. Just read Tocqueville’s classic. Americans historically have attended religious services and practiced on a wider scale than in the countries of their ancestors. Not that any party should use religion to promote their policies but faith has been a source of inspiration to the many individuals who serve their communities to make the world a better place.

      Making America better is what is on the minds of Americans today. Just listen to how everyone spoke of faith this week. It was not in-the-face faith and was not the new-age faith but the same traditional American religious faith that the country was founded upon. The Republicans will have to fight really hard to channel that faith and I think they cannot.

  3. Just as expected from a teacher. Look at the state of our youth. As Rodney Dangerfield might say:

    I don’t get no respect.
    No respect at all.

    Lemme tell ya.
    My kid.

    I sent her to an Ivy League school.
    She graduated Summa Cum Laude.

    At the graduation, she tried to light
    my cigar with a flamethrower.

    • Funny. I feel the same way about the kids abandoning us. particularly about the abandonment Greatest Generation (besides Washington’s). I do not appreciate you categorizing me. I do not think a certain way because I am a teacher. Should I say to you just like an uneducated person thinks? Anyway, one idiot Congressman even said that the elders should be sacrificed to keep our economy as if America will not recover.

      But on the other hand, the kids are on the streets. The nation is crying for leadership. We are finally confronting police procedure. It has nothing to do with bad cops. If they have probable cause outside or a warrant in our castles they will tell you all bets are off. There is no legal recourse due to qualified immunity. Get ready to eat dust with your children while you lay on the floor while the police secure the perimeter. Women get ready to be pulled out of bed or the shower without being allowed to cover. This happens all the time to family members and the innocent. It is time that they respect our dignity as citizens. The African-American strangled, shot and beaten are proxy to what is happening to Americans of all races every day in the name of authority and safety.

      I think our best days are yet to come. I never hear a derogatory racist remark from my children who grew up in Lakewood, just like I never heard any racism come from my father who was a member of the Greatest Generation. I cannot say that about myself.

  4. Biden’t speach was a respite from the anger of our current president. I have no worry that our current president will speak of uniting the populace when he appears at his party’s convention.

    For the OP who was critical about the use of a teleprompter, it’s not uncommon, and certainly not something to be critical about. If our current president used the teleprompter more often he could possibly appear more coherent.

    Biden’ speech made me proud to be an American again. No minorities were targeted by insults, no women were subject to pejoratives. It was more than refreshing.

  5. Personally, I would never vote for Biden and the whole Socialist entourage along with and standing behind him. There may be some truth to what you are saying but I have never experienced it. As a former NYC cop your depiction of law enforcement is very distorted. Warrants are issued by the courts and probable cause means nothing unless a District Attorney signs off on it. Yes, there are some bad cops but they are mostly corrupt and a tiny minority are morons on the street, no matter what your color is. There were some great generations beside Washington’s. I can’t dismiss others like Lincoln. And many had Democratic leaders. But the party has moved far too left and away from our Constitution into a Marxist ideology butressed by the press and traitors in the Congress and FBI, CIA, NSA, so called “foundations”, foreign interests and social media. I don’t believe that will change with Biden. I’m sure it will only get worse. As a former detective and investigator with the skills and resources to do research and find facts, to the extent that lives depended on my findings, when I apply that to Biden and his cohorts, there is overwhelming evidence that he is not fit to be the President of this country. You are free to vote as you wish. I am not trying to convince you one way or another. My wife is also a teacher and holds pretty much the opposite of your perspective so I cannot stick teachers in any category. I stand by my Rodney Dangerfield impression, though. I wish you all the best because I believe the best is yet to come and it won’t be via Biden and crew.

    • No question. America will rise up to the challenge. I practice civil right law and constitutional law and you would be appalled by what is allowed. Even before I wrote this I regretted characterizing you as uneducated because you said I think like a teacher. I hate labels like liberal, conservative, we all are individuals who take different positions on any issue regardless of how we viewed a previous issue.

      Anyway, of course we can disagree about whether changes need to be made; and either way, America will improve as it always does. I always disliked socialists and I bothers me that Harris was in the same group as Eugene Debs at one time but I have confidence in Biden’s leadership. I did not like his opposition to Bork during Reagan but that was long ago. I do disagree and think the Civil War generation did not live up to the challenge of history. Compare to Webster, Clay and Calhoun keep the nation together. I think the war was unnecessary and it only lasting result was the Fourteenth Amendment and substantive due process and laws written by justices essentially ending states’ rights and federalizing our laws and opinions, something that was only meant for interstate commerce (which has uniform laws). Maybe it was inevitable with television. Slavery was a doomed institution no matter what would have happened. I guess if I was African-American, even not having to wait ten years before slavery would give way to mechanization of agriculture might be worth 600,000 lives, but aside from that,and that is a big aside, I think so many did not understand how warfare had changed toward the defensive and poured too many lives into Napoleonic-style charges. Not that I am one to criticize the tactics of Robert E. Lee but why Pickett’s charge? I do not think a generation that wasted lives so callously was great. Washington did not do that with his men.

  6. Biden’s speech was well crafted but I don’t think he is capable of writing it. It’s the teleprompter above his neck that I worry about and those that are whispering in his ears and pulling his strings. Prove me wrong with some facts instead of rhetoric. If you aren’t proud to be an American, there are plenty of flights out of the country available. I don’t know where the Zolas come from but you can find out. Best to book now before election day so you don’t get really un-proud. Good luck with having pride anywhere else.

    • What are you talking about? I did not read anything un-American. And even if he said something against our form of government, so have many others in the past. But he did not. How can you ask an American to leave the country he loves? Who do you think you are?

      BTW Do you even know who Emile Zola was? He exposed the Dreyfus fraud in J’Accuse.

  7. not sure where your a teacher, but i sure hope not my kids teacher. You sound like those liberal racist clueless professors i had in college, that want to make America a socialist country

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