VIDEOS: Censible Marketing hosts Bein Hazmanim Siyum and Yehuda Green Kumzitz for Over 100 Lakewood Bachurim; It all Started from a Bachur’s Text message

Censible Marketing last night held a Siyum and Kumzitz for over 100 Bachruim in Lakewood.

It all started when Censible Marketing CEO Shimi Jay (Jacobowitz) received a text message from an anonymous text message from a Bachur (pictured left) asking for a donation for his Yeshiva. At first, Shimi thought it was a scam, but it turned out he really was collecting for his Yeshiva’s Siyum. So Shimi offered to sponsor it, and the rest is history.

Over 100 Bachurim and Magidei Shiurim attended the Siyum, which boasted a lavish Seudah, Divrei Torah and a Kumzitz by Yehuda Green.

“I was so moved by it,” Shimi said. “It was really a Heilig event – one of the best nights in my life.”

Shimi says he hopes to do an event like this each Bein Hazmanim.

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