VIDEO: During the main part of his performance, Gertner – a parent of a special needs child – sang an emotional Yiddish song dedicated to the mothers of special children.
Gertner, from England, also sang his famous ‘Malkele’ song, which he composed together with Yossi Green in honor of his special needs daughter Malka.
The dinner took place at Lake Terrace.
very nice
Shloimie Gertner & Meshoririm were excellent, doint get me wrong. But whet made this permormance spectacular was the magnificent play of HoRav HaGaon R’ Eli Cohen Shlit”a. His amazing play raised it to the sublime. Chazak V’Ematz !!
OMG, I had the same reaction as Command Post. Shloimie and choir and band were good, but the Rocking Rabbi, R Eli Cohen, sent this performance into a different stratosphere. Go, Eli, Go. Keep on rocking !!