VIDEO: Solar Field coming to the Lakewood MUA; Expected to save approximately $700,000

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What’s MUA?
Only saves 700k over 15 years?? Doesn’t sound that good
Please pass these savings on to the consumer!!!
How much space will be needed for this Solar Field and will it look like an eyesore?
They can sell the property for a few million.
Why can’t the MUA take over the rest of Lakewood. NJAWC is an international for profit company and we all have horror stories of what they do to squeeze every additional penny out. Why does a small part of Lakewood have a Municipal run utility while the rest have a foreign for profit company at so much higher cost?
Signed a 20 year contract for residential solar….
HAVING Tremendous AGMAS NEFESH,think twice before signing and have all salesman’s promises put in writing!!!!
Read contract carefully or have an attorney read it!!!!!!!
Experiencing this right now!!
I seem to have a similar problem.
we purchased a new house with solar power 18 months ago and received our first electricity bill for $2200.00 over the 3 summer months. there are only 2 of us in the house. After a long battle with AGL and the ombudsman we ended up nowhere. then we received the next 2 bills at a normal rate of around $450 and now our last summer bill came in at a staggering $1500 again for the oct. to jan. summer months. we have air conditioning but intentionally did not use it. After the first big bill we changed everything possible that could be done to reduce the possible consumption.
Now after the second big bill I discovered through elimination and switching off mains switches that our house is using approx. 6-8kw from 10pm to 8am. God knows on what!!!
I have a funny feeling that my solar is adding to my meter read. in the 18 months we also changed to a smart meter.