VIDEO: In an interview with TLS on Sunday, Attorney Michael Inzelbuch says we were all nearly duped into the $6,200,000 referendum.
Emails obtained by the attorney show State Monitor Michael Azzara acknowledged that the district didn’t really need the $6,200,000 to cover the busing, but rather only $2,500,000 – only $1,500,000 above the already committed $1,000,000 by the township.
Had you known the referendum would only be for $1,500,000 would you have voted yes to keep busing going for the meantime? That’s an important question.
Should the township or state decide to fit the $1,500,000 bill, busing could continue – at least temporarily.
Additionally, Inzelbuch points out, emails show the district was well aware of the deficits before August, and that according to the state contract, Azzara could be terminated based on omissions.
Inzelbuch says the state should keep their part of the deal and cough up the money to keep busing going. After backing out of the deal, the Igud Hamosdos (as reported on TLS on Friday) also stated they would not be keeping their end of the deal.
Watch the full video. See Friday’s video here.
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If you keep busing the same like you mentioned in the last minute, what about those of us who still didn’t get bussing due to the spending freeze???
While Michael is doing a great job looking out for the interests of his clients the fact remains that we the taxpayers continue to pay pay and pay why in the world does the township have a extra 2.5 million continently sitting around
It’s time to end the blackmail and have the schools run private bussing
This posted at 2:44PM and at 3:41PM there are still no comments? Wow, we must really be in shock!! I am running to get some popcorn; this is gonna be epic!!
Oh, and thank you First Name Michael Inzelbuch!!! Ten thousand kids and every single tax payer owes you one!!
Bring Michael Inzelbuch back!!! He knows exactly what’s going on. Nobody else has a clue!!
If this is true that the BOE lied to us all the board members should resign in disgrace!! If they are representing us and had no idea the shortfall these Clowns should resign!! Time to sue the state for taking away our representatives . Time for a Boston tea party. No taxation without representation
Heavy filtering on comments
Not sure what was wrong with my comment
what should anyone say? we can talk about challenges and our perspectives on them, but what is there to say to such people? BTW, I really wish everyone would stop saying Azzara, or Hespe. The state has a chief exec and its coming from him. Christie- why did we vote for you? how disingenous were you to come to our town? I am glad your out of the prez race- you are a bogus exec!
Something smells rotten! Why would the State Monitor lie to us like that?
Who cares if they found money for the remainder of this year?!? We still have next year and the years after that. This problem will never go away, and will only become more prevalent with each new year. We need a solution ~ and raising taxes again is not it!
All it takes is a little looking. It was clear this guy was taking us for a ride. How can a state monitor make an agreement and then reneg… It will never stand up in court.
Hey Dave……. Just for the record 74% of the Lakewood community did NOT vote for Chiristie. He came to Lakewood for support, that he did not get, so what support do you expect from him. Remember in the end he is a Politician.
I Strongly Suggest that we hold our real estate tax which goes to education until we find out the truth on another note we have to remember that if this town is run on corruption everyone gets effected including the board of ed and then it comes back at us
Azzaro should be investigated. Where is the Governor how come we don’t here 1 word from him or his office.
I agree with 30+ year resident. I am actually not happy that Mr. Inzelbuch found this information. We need a solution. We need to fight in Trenton to change the formula. We need a real permanent pathway forward. If we would have voted yes on a referendum for 1.5mil it would have just been a bandaid. The rachmanus here was that the dummy Azara asked for too much and the community balked. But at this point we need to fight for a real answer.
What about the bussing contracts that were cancelled leaving my kids with no bus? Will they get reinstated? We can’t just keep the bussing as is. We need to make sure all kids eligible for mandated bussing that still don’t have a bus get one!!
Maybe Cristie can forward some of OUR money HE was in middle of blowing on his campaign! Anything left over for the people you are supposed to represent???
This is corruption on an epidemic scale. It has been going on for years.
Looking at this video, it just looks like MI is telling us, cough up 1.5 million so you keep bussing through the end of the year. And then worrry next year. And – don’t bother trying to change things in trenton. Well guess what, if Lakewood can’t change that, we have NO FUTURE WHATSOEVER. The system can not sustain the growth of lakewood without additional funding, and the formula as it is does not allow us anymore funding. Time to move or fight. no other choice.
Something doesn’t seem right. There is too big a gap between $2.5 and 6.2 million. I think either Michael is misinformed or misunderstood. I think the $6.2 is legit for an entire school year. Being that we are already at March, it would only take $2.5 to get us through June. So we didn’t need 6.2 for the remainder of the school year as the referendum implied and may still be a fireable offense but it is still a 6.2 million hole we need to dig out of for next year. So we need to fix the formula and get more state aid and not keep patching up the problem.
for the Supreme Court, and even the republicans will vote for him!
Where do I put a complain for being discriminated against? I was told that I couldn’t rent from a certain place because I was Jewish!!! This absurd, we should be treated like this in 2016!!
Pay private! 10,000 children should pay $150 each for a year of bussing. It’s not the $400 that’s too much for a family of a few children. No reason to raise taxes.
If you can produce busing for 150 per student ,you will become a multi millionaire . Every district in the USA will use your bus company
Aron is multiplying $150 by 10,000 to get the extra $1.5million needed. His mistake is that it is 10,000 children, not families. So a family of 4 will pay $600
He said a year of busing. In any event i highly doubt any of the public school parents affected will pay anything. Thats about 2400 students.
My kids should’ve gotten mandatory busing in Sept. We are more than 5 miles from school. We’re still waiting. No one cares to help us either. 19 kids from the rain tree area.
I downloaded the june 30 2015 auditors report.
If you read the report you will see that total bussing for the district is about 23 million and has been increasing by about 1.5 million the past few years.
The state kicked in anout 4.5 million last year (whicjh obviouslycame in at the ladt minute as you can see the adjustment on the budget page). Its even called advance loan on one of the pages.
Clearly the stare doesnt want to pay the 4.5 anymore and with bussing costs increasing at 1.5 million a year that number would keep going up anyway. The shortfall was probably ~ 6 million for fiscal 2016.