VIDEO: Sefer Yehoshua Shiurim bahalacha vaagada from Horav Michoel Sorotzkin #12 “Crossing the Yarden”

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  1. Superb.
    The first piece with the add-on to the vilna gaon’s vort on the cheshbon of the punishment of the meraglim is simply brilliant.
    I enjoy the shiur immensely every singleweek.
    Yishar Koiach

  2. Superb.

    The first piece with the add-on to the vilna gaon’s vort on the cheshbon of the punishment of the meraglim is simply brilliant. .
    I enjoy the shiur immensely every single week.

    Yishar Koiach

  3. Here in Chicago we have a group of major Chasidim of these fabulous shiurim.
    Every Sunday afternoon we get together for a 2 hour Torah learning kibbutz and amongst other topics such as minchas chinnuch etc, we listen to this brilliant series.

    Someone said that Rav Sorotzkin is related to Reb Avrohom Friedman from HTC. Not sure how but this weekly gift is a fresh breath in our spiritual world here in the Midwest.

    This site should be proud to host such an outstanding series providing a huge chizzuk to klal Yirael.

  4. Rav Sorotzkin’s shiurim and speeched are really a pleasure to listen to. We follow him on a weekly basis ever since you strated posting. Lately you started posting a reference sheet with the highlighted points of topic. A major help.
    It would be even more helpful if you would post the source sheet before shabbat so whoever wants would be able to prepare and get a head start. I am sure many people would benefit from it.
    Keep up tje good work

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