Video: Paper Wasp Nest The Size Of A Basketball In Brookhill

VIDEO of a Paper Wasp nest the size of  basketball, near a Brookhill resident’s front door. The nest, which can contain hundreds – and perhaps thousands – of Paper Wasps, started off the size of a baseball, the resident says. Paper wasps are 3⁄4 to 1 inch long wasps that gather fibers from dead wood and plant stems, which they mix with saliva, and use to construct water-resistant nests made of gray or brown papery material.

The wasps secrete a chemical which repels ants, which they spread around the base of the anchor to prevent the loss of eggs or brood.

Unlike yellowjackets and hornets, which can be very aggressive, polistine paper wasps will generally only attack if they themselves or their nest are threatened. Since their territoriality can lead to attacks on people, and because their stings are quite painful and can produce a potentially fatal anaphylactic reaction in some individuals, nests in human-inhabited areas may present an unacceptable hazard.

Paper wasp on a spider lily leaf. They are considered beneficial by gardenersMost wasps are beneficial in their natural habitat, and are critically important in natural biocontrol. Paper wasps feed on nectar, and other insects, including caterpillars, flies, and beetle larvae, and they are often considered to be beneficial by gardeners. TLS. (Information on Wasps, by Wikipedia).

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  1. sure looks like hornets to me. Paper wasp make a different nest.. one that is much smaller and not covered. usually found in a dry area such as an overhang of your house.

  2. This is clearly a typical white faced hornets nest. They are not actually hornets but rather very closely related to the yellow jacket. The article correctly labels the paper wasp as non-aggressive, however, the yellow jacket and the hornets are much faster to attack. They can sting multiple times unlike the honey bee because of its smooth stinger.
    Stay Away! They will all be gone with the first frost of the season.

  3. Wow. Let’s take a moment just to appreciate the Nifflaos HaBoreh. These bees are given the knowledge to build and protect a home using natural materials and even securing it against invaders. How wonderous are the works of Hashem.

  4. to # 7 – This is not an animal control function, Wasps are insects. The homeowner needs to contact an exterminator for proper removal. Animal control officers are not certified to handle pesticides nor do we have the proper equipment for removing and or relocating a nest.

  5. If there’s concern for safety, Home Depot, Lowes, maybe even Target or Walmart (even NPGS and other stores sometimes) carry a spray that can be sprayed from 20 feet away into and onto the hive until it’s saturated. Wait 24 hours and respray if necessary (if they’re still any flying around). I’ve used this before and it works easily, cheaply, and effectively. Best to spray it around twilight (as it begins to get dark) when they’re less active and mostly inside the hive. The hive can then be knocked down with a long stick and broken up if necessary.

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