An innovative program has just been launched in Lakewood. The program, ‘Open-to-Give’, is designed to increase email participation with the number of marketing emails sent to email subscribers each day. The program leverages a charity donation platform to create an incentive for subscribers to open and interact with their email.
From Open-to-Give :
“Donate to your favorite cause by simply opening your regular emails. Open-to-Give is a new program designed to reward you for opening and interacting with the marketing emails found in your inbox. Register your email with Open-to-Give and each participating email you open will trigger a 3 cent donation to your cause. Click on a link within that email and another 3 cents will be donated.”
Here’s a link to the Open-to-Give website where you can register your email and select a tzedakah to benefit from the simple action of opening your emails.
To add your charity/tzedakah to the Open-to-Give database or to inquire about adding Open-to-Give to your next email campaign contact [email protected].
Love this concept. Just registered and now looking forward to see which companies will adopt this in their emails. Am I able to select multiple charities to benefit?
Just signed up.
Waiting for my first email.
I did not yet choose a charity.
If I open emails before choosing charity, will the money then go to the charity after I choose it?
This is from their Linked-In Page.
Open-to-Give is a new, simple email marketing concept designed to encourage consumers to open and interact with promotional emails from participating vendors.
This is accomplished by offering an incentive in the form of charitable giving for each open and click a subscriber performs.
This program thereby dramatically increases email open and click thru rates. It also gives email subscribers something to feel good about every time they check their inbox.
I went to the site to check it out. How will they know if I am an advertiser or a cyber-criminal in disguise on a phishing expedition? What’s to stop this from becoming a major malvertising hub? Two major ad networks (with security controls) have already been compromised and the potential exists for millions of users per day to be exposed with almost no safeguards. Malvertising is a great way for crooks to piggy back on the ad network infrastructure and take everyone down in a drive by. Guys – be careful, there’s too much at stake here.
I think it’s important for me to clarify my previous comment which perhaps should be an article in it’s own right so that it should not appear that I am specifically critical of the honest, good will efforts of Open-to-Give who I believe is 1000% percent trustworthy based on my personal experience with the founder. The bottom line is that we are being bombarded by fake emails that look as if they are from legitimate sources all day long be it Target, Wal-Mart, Amazon, IRS, FBI, you name it. Obviously that doesn’t mean the real companies are not legitimate and that goes for Open-to-Give and their advertisers. If you have been following the articles here on the Scoop you should be able to tell if an email is real or fake by now.