VIDEO: Though he’s a well-known comedian, columnist, teacher and more, this is one incident ‘Turx’ didn’t sign up for.
At about 8:30 PM this evening, Turx came downstairs in his Lakewood home to find a stranger sitting on his kitchen table, and eating.
The visibly-disturbed or drunk man had made himself a sandwich with baking powder, and rice cakes covered in wax and matches.
But Turx – who is quite accustomed to funny scenes and more, handled this scene a bit different than your standard homeowner would have.
After calling police, Turx began talking to the trespasser, and offered him to eat and drink, and then documented the incident. (See video.)
“I was trying to keep him calm,” Turx tells TLS.
Police arrived a short time later. An ambulance was called and the man was transported to the hospital for evaluation.
And about the fish in his tank, Turx joked, “I’ll have to take a head count later!”
Turx declined to press charges.
“I just wanted him to be safe,”Turx says.
Only Turx!
shpitz Turx. A real nice man
lol turx ur the best!!
He’s not “just” a comedian. I’ve seen him at many chai lifeline & Misameach parties. Turx is a Tzaddik. And, as u may know, a genius. Go Turx !!
Im surprized turx didnt stage this…. Either way its going into his next music/camp vid..
I don’t think he’s the $1.5 mil thief were looking for
You’re gonna have to sanitize the place now
Sounds fishy……… Thanks for sharing
Turx is awesome! Pity he didn’t manage to do a ‘selfie squared’ with him…
It was defnetly a hoax
Haha only Turx!!! Love the guy, great great person, one of the nicest you’ll meet and this story only proves it!!
He should press charges. This is irresponsible and dangerous.
Well, I guess I’m such a tzaddik that the schlepper decided to invite himself to my tisch… 😉
To Hjk,
Press charges? Why? The guy didn’t even know his own name. He ate candles and baking powder! Do you think pressing charges would prevent him from doing similar things again?
he was very kind to a disturbed individual ! hard to be calm in a situation like that
I had a similar story growing up (not in lakewood) A mentally imbalanced woman, in a Goldilocks-esque manner, was caught sleeping in our guest room bed.
It was funny and sad at the same time. As long as you are not in danger, there is no reason to press charges.
The vagrant obviously has severe mental issues and belongs in an asylum. A person who has no idea of what they are consciously doing has no responsibly or accountability for their actions.
If on the other hand he is a regular functioning individual who just decided to get high and whacked out of his mind one night, then you can throw the book at him.
where did he find candles and baking powder?? How long was he there unsupervised?? Totally freaky!! I’m not sure what I would have done – ran upstairs to grab the kids and flea???
He absolutely did the right thing. This man needs help, and having him arrested would not help him at all. In the end, an inconvenience for Turx, but nothing compared to the anguish that this man has to live with. Good job, and thank you for the reminder that we should all be more understanding and that we were put here to help, even if it is some dude eating a garbage sandwich on our kitchen table.
Where was everybody at 8:30 in the evening? How did this guy get in? was the door unlocked?
Turx, your fish look a bissel neglected. You need to add water to the tank.
BD, if the do indeed have a flea in your home, you might not want to take the time to save it in a dangerous situation.
Yea Turx why all the fish???
dead cool! This guy must be NUTS
We once found a man sleeping off his Sat night drunk in our car. Also no need to press charges.
As I told you on Shabbos, you should definitely press charges against the Mental Facility this man escaped from! BH this guy didn’t harm anyone, but it’s completely irresponsible and dangerous to have a mental home in the area that was lack in their security…
We shouldn’t have to wait for another Leiby Kletzky (Z”L) situation. Obviously, our hearts go out to this unfortunate man; but that doesn’t excuse the home/care center that allowed this to happen! By pressing charges, you will possibly be preventing unstable individuals entering our homes (with children!) without consent. I hope my point is well received.