VIDEO: A clip of the Mesivta of Eatontown Vermont skiing trip. The winner of the $10,000 raffle was Yacov Barr.
VIDEO: MOE Talmidim Skiing in Vermont

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Oish, this is painful. Yeshiva boys going skiing in middle of the Z’man. Sad. Just Kidding !! It’s painful cuz I’m jealous!! I should’ve been at this trip. I’m friends with the staff and with many of the precious boys in the school. It should’ve been me carving up the slopes, getting invigorated for the rest of the winter. But, I missed it. Carry on Boys, carry on.
I must agree with the above comment. Good for those boys to have a positive outlet. Even the goyim are dressed properly by skiing. What an innovative way to raise money for such a choshiv mosad. Are there and dedication opportunities available?
I would like to say one small additional comment. There is a famous picture of Reb Baruch Ber on vacation.. And I don’t think it was on the slopes. Is there perhaps a kosher venue, for next year, for the bocherim to enjoy?
While this yeshiva serves the oilam tha goes there, this should not be glorified. The bochurim who are being Moser Nefesh through a long winter zman, without ski trips should be recognized.
Huh ? Shouldn’t be glorified ?! I’m sorry that’s how u feel. I’m also sorry that although we’re taught not to judge, you Are. For some of these boys, being In Yeshiva for a week is a bigger mesiras nefesh than other buys learning a whole winter Z’man. So, for them, a skiing trip should be glorified. At the same time, plz feel free to post a clip of ur Metzuyanim sons/friends learning 3 sedarim a day a whole winter Z’man without a break. That should, rightfully, also be glorified.
@justwondering what your saying is nonsensical. We are not glorifying anyone. We are celebrating each individuals accomplishment, and rewarding them in a way that’s meaningful to them. I recommend you give your lil’ Reb Baruch Ber an outlet too, before he ends up on the bench. Perhaps for him, a tour of Bais Medrash Govo’ah will suffice. However, for many that won’t and we must address that need. I tip my (black) hat to the entire MOE faculty!
In a gesture of peacemaking, I’m proposing that next year MOE bring along one mainstream mesivta bachur for every MOE talmud that comes along. No complaints.