EXCLUSIVE VIDEO MESSAGE from Lakewood High School Student and Board Of Education candidate Aasim Johnson. Johnson, 18, says he believes he can offer the BOE something which all the other members can’t, which is experience from within the system.
“Since I am a student and I’m in the trenches every day in Lakeowod, I bring a different opinion and ideas that the other board members won’t bring”, Johnson says.
Johnson says he hopes to bridge the language gap which will help the large Hispanic population within the school system, bring in mentoring programs, and also wants to offer an equal education experience for all religious and non-religious student, “Because all our students deserve the best”.
Johnson also explains that he’s looking to bring more consistency to the system.
“Out of my four years in the High School, I’ve been through 2 Superintendents, 3 Principals, and 7 Vice Principals, and that tells you a scary thing about Lakewood.”
See video below for his full message.
Why don’t you try to get on the ballot for Township Committee?
What a novel idea for this town – how awesome would it be to have an actual Lakewood student on the board? I am so impressed with young Johnson and commend his efforts to take on such a responsibility…especially while his peers are probably busy preparing for senior prom! Let’s show our students that we believe in them – that they are the future of this town…if we don’t, who will?
Its refreshing to see a new voice that truely would have the best interest of the students at heart . Good Luck
Aasim, you have my vote!!
I was at a BOE meeting when he spoke. I must say I am not impressed. (moderated) If this is what our public schools are producing we should shut them down now and stop wasting taxpayers money
To number 5 if you close the schools no one gets nothing,, no one
Also, a new fresh voice not out for his own kind, a nice young man. I wish him well. He will need it at those meetings….6
aasim, i think you have a real grasp of the issues and you have my vote!
I am impressed with this young man, he is the voice of the students and i think he can help this system. he has my vote
How will you lower taxes?
GO FOR IT! G-d knows, the BOE needs a change for the better.
I hope this young man wins, what does the Board have to lose may they will gain something in the long run. Good Luck
can a student legally be a BOE member in the district where he is a student?
As my student for three years, I wish you success in college and your future career.
I hope other young people will seize the moment to serve their country by entering public service.
You are a member of a new generation of Americans who subordinate their own self-interest to that of their nation, to the principles that have made us great, and to our Constitution.
You sure his name is not Askin (which means communal worker)
Very Articulate and to the point.
What will you do to control the outrageous spending in this BOE??
To Quote “How will you lower taxes?”
glad you are not running ,thats the whole problem ,they (BOE)are supposed to insure that the students recieve a good education ,while it is honorable to make sure there is a budget that has very little or no waste of tax payer money the first priority are the students . That has not been the case for quite some time now ,this is quite evident with a 37% graduation rate
#16, look at where the money is being spent? look at the budget carefully to see where the waste is.
mongo like blue shirt
I truly admire your courage and determination, entering the political arena at such a young age. Your sincerity and embrace of this mission is inspiring. I hope that you realize your dream of becoming a true public servant and may you be an inspiration to your fellow students and peers as well. I look forward to meeting you on the campaign trail and perhaps exchanging some ideas of how to improve Lakewood’s education system.
Joel Schwartz
BOE Candidate
I am sure this young man means well, but i am personally very uncomfortable that an 18 year old student would have a say in how my tax dollars are spent.
What experience do you bring to the table other then being a student. does being a student qualify you for being on the board of education. If so then why have a board, let the students run the school district.
Have you ever run a business, balanced a budget, negotiated contracts, hired employees ….
I remeber when I was 18 I thought I knew more then everyone else, as do many 18 year olds. That fact that you feel you are capable of running a school district is just a sign that you are not. You may mean well, and your time may come, but not yet.
This young man has grown by leaps and bounds. He is doing what most adults should do: speak intelligently and respectfully. Aasim is a student who believes in himself and values his future. He does not look for excuses but solutions. What a wonderful idea. You definitely have my vote. To one comment regarding taxes, this is not solely the actions of the boe. Let’s embrace unity and diversity. He deserves a chance. He will not disappoint us. Be proud of this young man. Students need to take note of his willingness to stand up. Keep it up!!!!
he has my vote~~!!
To – Not So Fast
Why wouldn’t he be a wonderful addition? You’re telling me the motives of the current board have been fiscally responsible for the public schools???
Totally outrageous for an 18 year old to be on the BOE. (moderated) What can he possibly bring to the table?
Aasim is one of a kind. It’s rare to find someone like him in our school.
His dedication to the school, helping others, politics, and government is so amazing. He truly does know what he’s doing for all of the doubters.
Just because his 18 doesn’t mean he doesn’t know about anything.. you are just making yourself become another statistic to stereotyping and also motivation for him to not stop for nothing. This kid was born to be in this and I wish him the very best and have his dreams come true. Unfortunately I can’t vote but when I can.. Aasim you will have my vote.
Class of 2k12!
#22 I agree 100%. But I wish I knew who was behind that keyboard with the negativity! I can assume though–it doesn’t take an intelligent mind for that! He has my vote too! For an 18 year old he speaks well…he will even get better with the experience! We need young people to speak up for our children who has been there and gone through that! Leave it up to Lakewood and we won’t have no public schools!
To all the ney sayers I will vote for this young man because I know what its like in the Lakewood school system and how things need to be set right one commenter on here says because of your age your not ready just look at how the board acted a few weeks ago on the issue of moving the vote date. I believe in you. I will vote for you.
Here is a tip in how to reach out to the lakewood community. Come to Flam’s Cholent spot thursday night and give a speech to the crowd. That could help spread your message!
Yes, he has my vote, too.
I wish him luck. Just vote for him and the BOE will have no choice. This is where the people can help change who sits on the board. Do not let this slide off your back. He is asking for your vote and your vote counts!!!!!!!
Why is it every-time someone says anything about the board attorney its deleted
Thats the only thing some people car about (including me!)
Sorry – i don’t see the wonderful wisdom of bringing a high school student to the BOE – let him get his degree, and have some experience in the real world first. It is admirable for Aasim to present this kind of idea, and your parents can be proud of you, but the reality is, you are inexperienced, and your promises would be empty. Prove yourself first, and then run for office – that is the logical approach.
Aasim for Mayor!
This young man can make a difference. He is sincere, articulate, and is grounded with good judgement.
If we are really looking for an improved Lakewood School District, Mr. Johnson can help if given the opportunity. However, if we are looking for the same old situations that have repeatedly failed in the past, just do what has always been done in the past.
This young man needs and wants your support, your backing, and your vote.
I’m voting for Aasim because I believe in him and what he is fighting for. We as a people always complain about things and then when someone comes forward to make a change and stir the pot, we vilify them and criticize them for trying to do the very thing we are looking for. Yes he is young and that is fine. Every great leader or politician who ever was once started out as nothing more or less than he is now. If they can make it why not him.
what a wise young man , has my vote , he knows what is going on in the schools and what they think. GOOD LUCK
will tell all I know about you and tell them to vote for you
what do u mean can a boy who went to Lakewood school serve on the board??? Are you serious???? You mean to tell me having a board full of people who have NO CLUE about the PUBLIC schools nor have the public schools interest in mind… It is the way it should be.
Well the current BOE isn’t doing such a great job , because Lakewood has the highest drop out rate in the State.
This boy actually has gone through or is in the process of going through the public schools. There is not a single person on that board or who is running who understands the system better than Aasim! Guys its a no brainer. He knows what he is talking about because he has lived it.
Don’t care about the taxes so much for right now. Lets put the education of the students first. Our kids deserve the very best and if that means spending a little more money so that they have the very best to better their education, then so be it.
Why is it that the BOE have no children in the school and yet can have a say on who? what? where? and when happens? I would think one person representing each school in Lakewood would be a better idea for the BOE to be. That is called a community working together, not the circus this has turned out to be. Experience is over time, not who you know!!!!!
I would just would like to say thank you to The Lakewoodscoop for giving me the chance to share with the people of Lakewood in this public forum. I wanted to have the chance to express my thoughts and plans for our town. Thank you to all who commented on the video, I thank those who said both good and bad because that is good for our society to have healthy debate, discussion and disagreement. In all I do in this town as far as education goes, I have always and will always have the children first in my heart because it is them that remind us why we are out there every day fighting the battle. While we may disagree at times as far as policy goes let us not disagree to always have the children’s best interest at heart. Thank you.
Aasim Johnson
to # 25 Lakewood Resident. He can bring honesty, which is something the current Board lacks. Any change will be a good change. Good Luck Aasim.