Video Message From Deputy Mayor Steven Langert & Running Mate Hal Halvorsen

VIDEO MESSAGE from Deputy Mayor Steven Langert introducing his running mate Hal Halvorsen, as they kick off their campaign for the two Township Committee seats. They will be facing Candidates Committeeman Ray Coles and running mate Moshe Raiztik on November 8. 

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  1. Steve has worked hard for EVERYONE in Lakewood, White, black, Jewish, Catholic etc.. during the past three years. I will be proud to vote for him for re-election.

  2. As a resident of a senior village, I think it’s about time we had one of our own on the town council so I will be voting for Hal. Langert has done a good job representing us and deserves to be returned to the town council.

  3. It would be nice if one of these politicians would contact NJ transit and let them know that Orthodox jews live in Lakewood NJ and are also entitled to decent “express” bus service going home from Manhattan. (Like Toms River).

    I get an alert from NJ Transit that they are going to have add’l busses going to lakewood on Erev Rosh Hashana.

    Well guess what, all are going on route 9 instead of on the parkway. USELESS.

    To my knowledge they havn’t added a single express bus going home in the last 7 years and also none going into lakewood proper. Is there anybody to talk to?

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