VIDEO: Shortly after the Ferguson grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer who shot and killed unarmed teen Michael Brown, thousands across the nation took to the streets to protest – many in violence.
Dozens of buildings, stores and vehicles were set on fire during the protests, which resulted in dozens of arrests.
Back in Lakewood, a man who says he’s a combat veteran, took to the streets in his own way.
Holding a sign expressing profanity towards police, the man walked up and down the sidewalk for some time, gaining some support, and haters, along the way.
Maskim. But if you weren’t there, you have no clue what happened.
Evidence has shown that Michael Brown was violently assaulting Officer Wilson after a robbery.
The bad people should be accused, even if they are unarmed!
Agree with the jury the police have a right to protect them self!!
a person’s fists, especially those of a huge man who has been seen hurting a store owner, are weapons. recently a man was killed by a choke hold. a person bent on hurting someone is using his body as a weapon
We need a restitution-based justice system, so that those rioting retards be forced to pay for the damages they’re causing many times over!
boy, do I agree!!. instead of putting these rioters in jail where they will only get better at doing the mischief they’ve been doing, get them jobs! and then let the bills , fines etc., they have incurred follow them through all their working lives until every bit has been repaid
I’m known in this town for my confrontations with the police, but that is COMPLETELY different. I protest anti-homeless laws by living in the woods, and at times exercising Free Speech by camping in established “public forum” locations, like the Town Square.
(I’ve previously practiced “going limp” when the police were violating my Rights and arresting me, but decided to cease doing that, because the wimpy Lakewood cops started calling volunteer ambulances to transport me to jail, and I don’t want those resources being wasted, lest they be needed for a real emergency…)
I never block traffic, I’m polite with the police, I show ID and answer all questions, and of course I never violate Private Property or initiate aggression of any sort.
So I wanted to speak out against this “#### the police” rhetoric. In a libertarian society that I advocate, there would be no such thing as a victimless “crime”, and police forces would be smaller, less militarized, decentralized, and whenever possible privatized / volunteerized. But strong-arm robbery, blocking traffic, and picking fights are definitely legitimate crimes! Anyone would be in the right to have placed Michael Brown under (citizen’s) arrest that day, and everyone should have the Right to use a gun for self-defense!