VIDEO: UPDATED: A man died this morning after crashing his vehicle into the Lakewood Courtyard, officials tell TLS. The crash occurred about 2 AM, when the driver reportedly sped Westbound on Route 88, crossed over Route 9 and slammed into the entrance of the Assisted Living facility at the intersection – landing the vehicle vertically up against the building.
Hatzolah, Lakewood First Aid and EMS rushed to the scene, where the driver was found to be in Traumatic Arrest, an official said.
Emergency responders removed the victim through the rear window, and transported him to KMC, where he was pronounced dead, sources say.
An official tells TLS, the 28-year old driver, Apolonio Velis-Perez, was drunk.
Lakewood’s Traffic & Safety division is investigating the crash.
I was at the scene, the way the cops handled it was extremely unprofessional especially Novak and Lorenc, yelling at everyone there … The only professionalism that I saw was from the traffic safety officers
Thank you L14b @shragi for being first responder 🙂
What in the world???!!! RIP
Wow. Crazy. Is that the drive-thru entrance???!!
It would be sad if he wasn’t drunk but people need to learn- its sad for his poor family how selfish he was
The courtyard now offers bedside parking?
Thank goodness it wasn’t earlier in the night when pple are going in and out all the time
Was Misaskim services needed?
That was unnessary comment, if u see police investigating something stay away don’t be nosy
@ #1 – if you are there as a “buff” or just to see whats going on, you are in the way and make it harder for the trained personnel to do what they need to do!
Don’t blame the cops for screaming at you to leave.
There’s no joke here! A person was killed.
For all those who like to bash Lakewood drivers, was this guy a Lakewood resident ? Bec. I don’t think he was driving responsibly !!!
like there are no other crashes anywhere else only lakewood. so when driving on parkway and see a ctrash on the side of the road i should assume it is someone from lakewood who got out stop with this only happenes in lakewood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad luck
#3 i would not say RIP to someone who drives drunk, lucky it was only him and not someones wife and child taking a stroll
This is very serious Please no jokes!!
Glad to hear that he didn’t take anyone else with him; however, such a waste, making one wrong decision. That’s all it takes. G-d bless his loved ones, and him.
When someone loses their life by such a senseless means no its not a laughing matter.. RIP
#1, did you want an usher to escort you to a better viewpoint? Were you upset that there were no refreshments served? No one belongs by an accident except for emergency personnel.
Did the car have Mexylvania plates?
that’s crazyyyy
Misaskim was not needed. Lakewood EMS transported.
Maybe “buff” should mind his own business….and let the police work. Those officers see and do things jot a lot of people could handle. Get off their backs. See how professional they are when you need them someday.
One of those unprofessional cops happens to be a family member of mine and is the most genuine, caring,hard working man you might ever meet. He’s out there at 3 am pulling the deceased out of cars. Maybe people should listen when told. Don’t drive after while during drinking!!!! Its stupid and thank God no one else was injured or killed.
TO: #9
Bob says:
March 19, 2013 at 9:11 am
It was NOT an unnecessary comment!
When observing an officer of our esteemed police force, one must see:
– a respectable person,
– a role model,
– someone who is there to protect us & make us feel safe
– someone from whom we’d want our children to learn how to speak
– someone with lots of patience, etc.
Unfortunately, there are certain police officers in Lakewood who do not live up to these standards of being role models to us and our children.
I was once at a busy intersection where (moderated). It was a rainy afternoon. It was anything but fun trying to direct pedestrian & vehicular traffic. I am ashamed to say the officer dispatched to the scene was one whose language was so profane. It was not just profane, he was saying disgusting things and name calling to innocent (honorable) people.
Why not?
He’s obviously just like a horse in Police uniform. I would not want him as a neighbor/near my children & definitely not ‘protecting’ my children.
If one loses his cool at an accident scene & must lower himself to using profanities he should not be holding this position.
My point is: A police officer must NEVER use profane language!
I know there are other ways that some police officers do not behave properly – but that’s not what I’m pointing out here.
Again, I’m very thankful to Lakewood PD for all that they do in helping protect this town, However, there is NO excuse to speak profanely! Yes, even if some people are in the way, Yes, even if they feel like choking some of them.
Would you let your child’s teacher speak the way some officers do?
If one loses his cool & must lower himself to using profanities he should not be holding this position.
Thank you for reading.
cc: Chief Rob Lawson
Can we get the drivers name?
Don’t drink and drive!
Don’t compare it to a teacher. To use profanity at a child is different that use it towards an adult at 3 am when your trying to do your job and people aren’t cooperating. And how unprofessional to use names in a comment. LPD and other forces consists of people who risk their own lives for you people. They are only human…not Godly.
I say they should have left the car there like that for days and put up a big sign stating, “DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE” anyways, may the family of the deceased find comfort (without alchohol involved) and P.S. Gr8 coverage TLS
I heard that the driver asked someone for directions to the Lakewood Courtyard and was told to go down route 88 and after two miles he would hit the Lakewood Courtyard.
Let Me tell you all DUI is the most saddest thing in the world. Thank G-d that the person next door wasn’t hit by the glasses that impact happen. The plan was planned by G-d the person was usually near the window have been moved into another room. I feel bad for the family on behalf of their son loss. I feel bad that he took his own life and lucky didn’t take other life. It been worst if he had hit and kill someone else life. But I want to console the family member on their loss.
sick of morons says:
March 19, 2013 at 3:32 pm
Sorry, but your assumption comes due to the moderation.
The story reads “I was once at a busy intersection where (moderated)”
If it would not be moderated, you would understand that there were plenty of children in the area.
Hence, the comparison.
PS I still disagree with you. A police office shall NEVER use profanities – even… ” towards an adult at 3 am when your trying to do your job and people aren’t cooperating”…
Guess someone drove him up the wall
Wow, how tragic some of the comments portrayed here. The decedent is a human. It is wonderful that no one else was hurt by his actions, however, we should also remember that his family is mourning the loss. Lets remain human and respect same.
No one know what real hapeen so maybe same of u don’t have to say coments that u are sayn
How stupid.. Its not a joke and yes thank god that nobody was there. He left a kid behind and when I read this it makes me mad. Maybe he shouldnt have been drinking and driving but it is what it is… all his family in his country must be worried and hopefully it wont happen to YOU R.I.P