Whats wrong with the attached photo? That’s right. One of the vehicles are parked southbound in the northbound lane. The photo – from a different incident – shows what police were ticketing for on South Lake Drive this afternoon. Several vehicles parked in the wrong direction on South Lake Drive were ticketed a short time ago.
By NJ law, vehicles parked on a two way road are required to park in the same direction as traffic flow. TLS-CCP.
Way to go LPD, why do people think that they can make up their own rules in this town. The Law is the Law, and NO ONE is above it. But I am sure many people will cry about laws and rules being enforced. Thanks LPD for keeping us safe and I would donate to buy you all new ticket books and pens to write with.
#1 You are a real tzaddik for being happy with other people’s misery! Keep up the good work
No need to donate, just keep voting all our current politicians in and you’ll get plenty of tickets in return. Probably won’t get much else besides higher property taxes and all the other perks that come with living in Lakewood. However, there’s definitely no need to waste your donations there. Give it to BMG, they’re the driving force behind Lakewood!
Follow the news later and this is probably what u will hear…while LPD was doing their vital ticketing, there was another bank robbery or assault on the other side of town. Oh, right, its New Years weekend. No banks.
enough with the yishivishe parking people need to learn how to follow rules of the road and stop acting like spoiled brats
Was #1 happy with other people’s misery or was he just commenting on how people feel they are above the law and feel they don’t have to obey the law? Stop whining and grow up! Obey the law already!
its amazing how as soon as there is a story that even if remotely could involve yeshivaleit from BMG, the same guys (and its always the same guys) will stop at nothing to bash yeshivaleit and BMG, basically they’re bashing Torah and what it stands for, and its very clear what their agenda is. How sad that this is what their mission in life is, to find any opportunity to bash Torah and all that it stands for. Its a real nebach on these guys.
If the LPD would write ALL the tickets they should write, we wouldn’t have any taxes!!!
When you park facing the wrong way you have committed another traffic offense as well. You drove the wrong way against traffic or you failed to keep right. How bout those new parking spots at BMG, where you have to drive across the sidewalk to get there. Again, against the law.
How about all the corner huggers up and down Forest Avenue. They should not ticket them. Just tow them and charge them for it. They put others at risk & do not seem to care!
#1,5,6, I’m with you all the way. The misery is what we all feel when crazy parking and driving make us miserable. Those who violate the parking and driving rules and laws should be made to feel miserable by paying the fine when they commit the crime of causing us misery.
#7 And when people bash GCU are they attacking the beliefs they hold dear and what they stand for? Or is it just when people bash BMG that there is a problem? Is it not a two way street or is all bashing of GCU acceptable? One man made it his crusade to go after GCU and try to discredit the university. But that was fine by this mediums standards. Don’t cry foul when BMG is attacked if you cannot be outraged by any injustice.
Blame DPW for that,it looks like everything that happends in Lakewood is their fault.
“as soon as there is a story that even if remotely could involve yeshivaleit from BMG, the same guys will stop at nothing to bash yeshivaleit and BMG”
I see comments degrading the way certain vehicles are parked around the BMG, and that happens to fall in the hands of BMG attendees(individual drivers).
(maybe the BMG should address this issue with its students & staff via a driver’s ed class. lol)
I agree that they should be ticketed, but what are you so angry about?
All I have to say is good, don’t break the law you don’t get a ticket!
Can we have a rule that the phrase “LOL” is banned from this forum? Firstly, it is ” so 90’s” – secondly… Laugh Out Loud? Did you really write your comment, and then sit at your computer laughing to the point where others around you could hear you? If not, then dont say “LOL”
Dont get me started on ROFL….unless you were actually belly up on your carpet laughing at your self, please do not use that term either.
thank you!
being mechallel shem shamayim with arrogance is in no way connected to Torah, and if lomdei Torah do it, it is because their chinuch was poor. Please stop defending chillul Hashem as Torah-bashing, it is beneath you…I hope.
lpd please keeep giving tickets to those parked the wrong way ty
I guarrantee you if the LPD would be consistent in ticketing those who continuously break the law we would see a great improvement in the driving conditions in our town.
Look at Clifton Ave what a difference.
Thank you LPD for enforcing the new laws regarding solicitations on Clifton Ave.
if i chain my bicycle to a tree facing the the oppisite way of traffic,will i get a ticket?
ticketing those cars will not deter people from parking any way they want in and around BMG. Fire lanes will still be blocked sidewalks will still be parked on and the police will be the bad ones for the enforcement
If you are parked the wrong way you really did not cause any inconvenience to anybody unless you It’s a busy street. On most quite streets like in developments there is not reason to get a ticket.