Dear TLS, Thank you so much for all your help. Shockingly, GE will apparently do whatever they can to make their customers miserable.
With being pretty much ignored for about two weeks, I finally decided to go public with this. Only once TLS publicized it did they even bother talking.
But instead of acknowledging their mistake, or at least apologizing, they added insult to injury.
So instead of their $25 rebate, they offered me a whopping $100 off!
Which means I would still need to pay $1,655.17 to purchase a new range (see attached) – AFTER THEIR PRODUCT EXPLODED!
Can you imagine a car company saying that because you car exploded, we will offer $100 or even $1,000 towards a new car?! If it’s time for the oven to go, your product should just DIE, not explode and nearly kill me and my baby nearby!
And if that wasn’t enough, the way the representative handled it was a far cry from being “sorry for the experience!” The cold demeanor from this customer service representative makes me want to take a day off to call every friend and relative with this story and warn them never to purchase a GE appliance again.
Zero care and customer service at GE.
Always go to the top when you make a complaint. Whenever I had issues, I got the name of the company’s president and dealt directly with him. I always got results, whether it was Sears, Proctor Silex, Kitchenaid, A Utility Company etc. You can get the name of top executives from the library.
There’s a reason GE is the choice of housing developers. There the cheapest and worst.
Your problem is that the people your reaching out to (via twitter and email) don’t have the power or brains to get you results. They are empowered to offer you $100 so that’s what they do.
You need to contact corporate.
Use this link to find any contact info
We are going through the same thing.
My Mother (73 years old) bought an expensive GE oven a few weeks ago from a local dealer and it started making a loud banging noise every time she turns it on.
The GE technician who came to check it out said that he personally would not keep such an oven.
Unfortunately, the (local) appliance dealer is giving her a run for the money. They ask her to send recordings of the noise (she lives in NY) and they don’t return her calls.
There is nothing to do. My mother is now stuck with a new oven that bangs loudly every time she used it.
If TLS can publicize this too perhaps this dealer would offer service or replacement.
File a complaint with the BBB. There are many people there who have been reimbursed by GE for similar or less severe circumstances.
If I was subjected to this kind of treatment from GE, I’d immediately reach out to BAMBOOZLED for help. You can reach them by emailing Karin Price Mueller at: [email protected]
Good luck.
IF you want a new oven, next time just buy it in a place that guarantees you a new item for defective products regardless of when it was bought (ex. coscto)
My fridge is GE and probably the worst fridge ever made. Avoid GE products at all costs, there is a reason they are cheap, very poorly made, unsafe.
Thanks for the Posting. Just about to buy a new Range. NO MORE GE. DONE!! DEAD!!! Lets continue to publicize this so that the LOCAL VENDORS of GE APPLIANCES know not to PUSH IT ANYMORE
Close to $2000 for a stove?? What does it do already that my $500 Maytag can’t?
Explode, that’s what. Keep it super simple and everyone will be better off.
$2k for a stove? Sheesh.
Lesson learned don’t pay $2k for a stove. Even GE sells ranges for $5-600… if you want another GE.
As someone who for almost a year had to deal with a corporation and got what I wanted. My advice would be, never except there measly offers. Once you do, their off the hook. So keep nudging until you get intouch the correct person
I have all GE products. They are excellent and have lasted for years with no issues.
I brought a G.E. refrigerator and I paid 2,600 for this fridge.and I only had for about two started making noise then today it just blew up and gave me 1st degree burns to my face and arms.if anyone is reading this email please,please don’t buy no more G.E products neither any other brands that associated with G.E…u work hard to get something u need and want and have to almost lose ur life to get help. To lady appliance blew I wish you the best with you,& your family.thank you for letting me,us know that These product are a piece of (moderated). May God bless you and your family during the holidays and years to come… Thanks again….
Email the CEO
[email protected]
President & Chief Executive Officer
Kevin Nolan is the President & Chief Executive Officer of GE Appliances, a Haier company, headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. GE Appliances is at the forefront of building innovative, energy-efficient appliances that improve people’s lives. The business employs 12,000 people.
He is GE Appliances’ senior officer, with overall responsibility for setting the business’ short- and long-term strategy, including technology, product innovation and product line performance to deliver financial and business results.
Had the problem of noise when starting with a GE oven thats 6 yrs old. A repairman changed the starter and said i was lucky it didn’t explode. If you have that noise, have it checked out before it explodes.
Smartypants on 2017-12-07 at 5:41 pm
You wrote:
“never except*1 there*2 measly offers. Once you do, their*3 off the hook. So keep nudging until you get intouch the correct pers…”
Ouch! Your vocabulary is terrible!
1 accept
2 their
3 they’re
The meanings are totally different than what you meant!