This morning, doctors will attempt for the first time to extubate (wake up) the six-year-old boy who was strangled at a park in Lakewood, the family told TLS moments ago.
“It is very critical,” the family says.
“Please continue to storm the heveans that Moishe should have a Refua Sheliama B’Karov!” the family said.
Please be Mispallel for Rephoel Moshe Michoel ben Shoshana Roiza.
UPDATE: “Refoel Moshe Michoel ben Shoshana Roiza is BARUCH HASHEM progressing very nicely,” the family told TLS. “He is off the ventilator and breathing on his own. Our teffillos are being accepted, and with Hashem’s help they will soon be able to take him off sedation completely. Please continue to be Mispallel.”
B”H, great news!
From my personal experience with a family member, extubate is when the doctors take someone off the respirator (remove breathing tube), It does not mean to wake up.
Extubate DOES mean to remove the breathing tube connecting the patient to a ventilator. But before they can attempt that, the patient has to be awake.
Prayers for a complete recovery for this child
Refuois & yeshuas!!
Please keep us posted
Any update? We’re eagerly awaiting good news.