The following is a statement from Toms River Police Chaplain Rabbi Abe Fried, regarding an issue at a charity event involving the TRPD.
The incident was reported about earlier on TLS.
“An incident at a local charity event was brought to my attention. The issue is being addressed. We have a close working relationship with the Toms River Police Department and we are working to avoid any such issues in the future. We are grateful to the TR Police Department for all that they do for the community.”
Kol Hakovod Abe Fried
Thanks for all you do for the Klal !!!!!!
Thank you very much Rabbi Fried!
Please repost the other article people deserve to know the truth!!!!
At the next charity event just hire a police officer
Smart! Instead of blogging build a rapporteur with the police. Anyone can make noise, having purposeful dialogue seems to be a challenge. Best of luck to Mr. Fried.
I know the TR cops they are great stand up guys I wouldnt put this incident on them. im sure it can easily be worked out through the back channels
You obviously don’t live in TR and are juat interested in baseless “hock”
“Reply to Lakewood Resident on 2017-07-16 at 12:01 pm”
Next time should invite all the neighbors too, make it community event then no will be home to call the cop. Just a thought
Eli makes a good point. TR handles thing professionally. Those public servants are not your cleaning lady.
Great idea hire an off duty TR. Police officer. For a few hours.
So what happened??
Thank you Rabbi Fried keep up your great work.
Thank you rabbi fried for all your hard work!!
Good going Mr Abe Fried! Although alot of your work goes unknown and unnoticed it is yet appreciated! Keep up all you do! Also kudos to the great TR CAO Ralph Stocco for all you do for our community and beyond. Nothing goes unnoticed!