The following is an update from the father of Chaim Yosef Meir. Dear friends, We cannot thank everyone enough for their efforts on behalf of our son. While it has been very difficult, your chizuk has had a profound impact. Currently Chaim Yosef Meir is much more stable thanwhen he first entered the hospital BH . The prognosis regarding the brain injury though has never been good even from the beginning.
Please daven for Chaim Yosef Meir Ben Miriam Henya and don’t let up. Have in mind “ein od milvado” not only by davening but throughout your daily ups and downs. IY”H my next post will be when together with all our tefilos we will see the Yad Hashem that Chaim Yosef Meir will have a complete refuah shlaima.
Thank you for everything.
On that note, we are in the middle of the ninth cycle of sefer Tehillim.
my mother has said 119 through the end, and she started
1 – 14 inclusive.
So whoever posts next, please fill in the chapters 108 – 118..
and then we will pick up with chapter 15 to continue the tenth cycle.
tizku lmitzvos!
my friend is saying
108 and 109
Just continued Tehillim on older news article:
Will say 108-110.
Maybe we should continue chain here since ppl more likely to look at newer update? Start from 111….
I will say 108 – 118.
refreshed my page and saw #3 – I will say 111 – 118
Ok, we have now COMPLETED the ninth cycle, and as posted ,we are covered from
1 – 14 inclusive in the tenth cycle we are beginning..
1 – 14 inclusive
Will say 15-25
will say 26-30 inclusive BEH
my husband will BEH say 31-35 inclusive
my friend is saying
26 – 28 inclusive
just checked comments and saw 2 other ppl saying my prakim…. will NOT say 108-110.
Will instead say 26-30.
wait, sorry, i am way too tired for this.
i am saying both 108-110 and 26-30.
sorry, sorry everyone.
I will say 25-30
Will say 26-35 including 35 now
Will say 31-40 then
my friend is saying
36 and 37
to everyone! don’t worry if some people are saying the same chapters….this happens bec of the delay time in getting the comments posted on the site. so just keep it at what you posted to say, and Hashem will appreciate that you are saying whatever it is you are saying.
please try to keep in mind all the cholim around the world as you say your tehillim for yosef chaim meir. please tell others about this so they can join in too. perhaps you have an email group that you can send it out to. that is how i get all my friends to contribute to the effort.
i have been lighting an xtra shabbos candle each week fo all the cholim that need a refuah
my friend is saying
38 – 40 inclusive
up to third cycle
will say 41-42
my friend is doing
41 – 43 inclusive
38-45 included
46-50 included
The name is chaim yosef meir not yosef chaim meir. Thanks
Thanks for the correction…
i will say 51-60 included
For the parents: I will iy”h be by Rav Chaim Kanievsky, sh”lita within the next couple of days and will bli neder be able to mention Chaim Yosef Meir for a refua shelaima. Please feel free to leave a message for me @ 732-414-6395 if you have something to add. Besuros tovos.
i am saying
61 – 65 inclusive
66 – 72 inclusive
my mother said
73 – 89 inclusive
I will say 61-67 inculsive
i will say 68-71 inclusive
68-72 inclusive
Completed sefer shlishee
90-100 inclusive
90 – 103 inclusive
my friend is saying
104 – 105 inclusive
105-110 inclusive
111-118 inclusive
120 – 130 inclusive
Thinking about Chaim Yosef Meir and his wonderful family all day!! We are with you in this trying time!!
my friend is doing
120 – 122 inclusive
Mi K’Amcha Yisroel, Goy Echad B’Aretz!
to GOLDY: i dont know who u r, but i do no one thing. i’ve been reading all the articles abt chaim yosef meir and then the comments the amount of people u got to say tehillim is unbelievable!!! We need more like you! mtizkah lmitzvos! may we storm the heavens and see a complete refuah bkorov for chaim yosef meir and all rofay yisroel!
thank you agen!
130 – end
to anonymous….here is how it happens… i have two email groups….one is for those who receive from me two halachos a day on shmiras halashon taken from the sefer GUARD YOUR TONGUE by rabbi zelig pliskin. the other email group consists of wonderful young ladies who i am keeping in mind for shidduchim ideas. so when things were slowing down, i emailed both groups and some responded back to me that they want to join in the effort – so i emailed right back which chapters they should say accd to where we were up to. i am sure many of you have such email groups and you can do the same thing. you just have to be online at the same time that they are on line so that you are giving them current info on which chapter we are up to.
my mother just informed me that she finished up the entire sefer tehillim from 119…so we have now finished round TEN!
let’s start again with the eleventh cycle…
i am saying now
1 – 2
PS…plus i ask my family members to join in when they can!
you can all do the same thing! whoever calls you on the phone or emails or texts you, just ask them if they can take a few minutes to say even one chapter and go online to see where we are up to.
3-5 included
Add five minutes to your daily seder as a zecus. Nothing beats koach haTorah.
6 – 9 inclusive
Please give tzedaka at time of saying Tehillim it can only boost your Tefillos! Saying “Ein Od Milvado” is a huge powerful zchus! Have in mind a Refuah Shleima for Chaim Yosef Ben Miriam Henya right after you say it! We will Im”yh hear good news! When you believe in miracles you get miracles!!!!!
Hi Goldy! I have to agree with the above posts – thank you for all you’re doing! I have an unrelated question: how do I get on your shidduchim email list for ‘wonderful young ladies’?!
to miriam…email the site administrator and i will connect with them
and to #53 anonymous…great idea to give tzedaka and say Ein Od Milvado. Thanks!!
10-13 inclusive
14-20 inclusive
my friends saying
21 – 36 inclusive
My Sister will say
37-40 bl”n
my friend is doing
37 – 39 inclusive
my father is doing
40 – 59 inclusive
whoever is reading this, please join in and spread the word…we are slowing down here…
i am saying
my friend is saying
61 – 63 inclusive
64-70 inclusive
my friend is saying
64 – 67 inclusive
my friends are saying
68 – 70 inclusive
71-72 inclusive
73 – 77 inclusive
ok, we have lost our momentum here. soon this story is going to be on the second page…
although life goes on for most of us in a regular way, BH, and we are busy with a myriad of things, there has to be five minutes free in our day and in our relatives’ and friends’ day to say a chapter of tehillim for this young boy whose life and whose family’s life is not going on “in a regular way.”
think for a few seconds about the upheaval in their life that before the accident was like yours and mine. think about the fact that Hashem is looking down on all of us to see if we will continue to daven for this boy or if we will just let this pass us by. think about what we would want others to do if we were in this position. think about how much it means to the family when they see that we are not going to break this chain of tehillim until it is not needed anymore.
if you cannot join in every day, that is ok…..but when you do have those five minutes or so, please come back to this story (no matter what page it will be on) and sign up for a chapter or two (or more)
we need to get others involved who are not aware of this situation. reach out to your relatives and friends, ask them if they can say a chapter or two, and post it for them. perhaps you have an email group – email them the link to this article. share it with your colleagues at work, with your playgroup babysitter and other mothers, with your carpool to work, with your fellow bus riders, at your yeshiva, at the gym, etc.
together, we can make it happen! but only…together…
my friends are saying
78 – 83 inclusive
His name is Chaim Yosef Meir ben Miriam Henya. You left out ‘Meir’ in your post.
To: “To #52” – thanks for the correction….would you like to help the effort and say a chapter of tehillim now for chaim yosef meir ben miriam henya ?
Rabbi Salomon, the Mashgiach in BMG, is also sick. Please have your e-mail list have him in mind as well. His name is Mattisyahu Chaim ben Ettel.
ok, will do, and please spread the word to your relatives and friends and email groups about chaim yosef meir ben miriam henya as well. may rav salomon, shlita, and chaim yosef meir and all the cholim around the world be granted a refuah shelaima b’karov.
ny friends and i are saying
84 – 89 inclusive
my mother said
90 – end
1 – 2 inclusive
my father is saying
3 – 33 inclusive
(we are now in the midst of the 12th cycle of sefer tehillim…please join in)
we the parents of your sons class are so broken and his presence in class is so sorely missed. He is a most such a special person as are his wonderful parents. We turn to the Eibisherter with heartfelt teffilos and beg Him that he should restore this outstanding boy to his former self. chadesh yomenu kekedem.
i will say 33-35 incl 35
to goldy: you truly are amazing!!
I appreciate the comment, thanks…but I feel that we are all amazing that we have kept this tehillim going non-stop for over a week…we have completed the sefer tehillim eleven times with everyone’s help.
The only way we can continue forward is with everyone continuing to pitch in and to tell others to join in as well.
The family derives chizuk from our efforts; how can we let them down now? As busy as we may be, we all should be able to find five minutes every day to help out with this. Imagine how busy the family members are running back and forth to the hospital and trying to keep things going back at home? We certainly are not as busy as they are.
I do not know who this boy is….but it doesn’t matter. We NEED to show Hashem that we care about each other even if we don’t know each other. If we treat each other like brother and sister then Hashem will treat us like our Father …with rachamim.
Please tell others to join in the effort. If they don’t have access to the internet (or cannot go on the internet during the day or night) you can post for them the chapters they are saying, as I have been doing for my friends and relatives.
Let us hope that we will soon hear besoros tovos, be”H, and will not need to say tehillim anymore.
41 – 43 inclusive
44 – 54 inclusive
The parents of YKT have joined together to finish the sefer tehilim every single day as zchus refuah shleima for Chaim Yosef Meir ben Miriam Henya.
Hi Goldy
This message is specifically to you. I want to thank you profoundly for the chizuk you have given my family. Your untiring efforts on behalf of someone you don’t even know is true cheeses shel emes. My wife and I would like for you to come visit us at the hospital. Please contact the Lakewood scoop so they can give you my email address.
my friend is saying
55, 56, 57
Can we get an update on the front page? Not everyone knows to look here. The oilom is davening hard!! Chazak V’ematz!!
we need to get this back to the front page so ppl continue saying tehilim. TLS can you help with this?
my friend’s friends are saying
58 – 65 inclusive
TLS i think we should have this back on the front page if possible!
ny friend is saying
67 – 68
Please put on front page
my friends are saying
69 – 71 inclusive
i am saying
72 – 79 inclusive
my friends and i are saying
80 – 91 inclusive
my mother has said
92 – end
my friend is saying on Shabbos
4 – 10 inclusive (we are now on the 13th cycle)
Yes, it would be good to have this on the front page, but whoever is reading this even if not on the front page, please take on a chapter or more to recite so we can continue the tehilim chain. Tizku lmitzvos.
Said 130
Story is now on front page, ..please go there to post your chapters..thanks, tizku lmitzvos, gut voch.
will say 11-13
I have a suggestion to make for anyone who might be interested to perhaps pick a specific kapitel or 2 or 3 or more to say each day on a consistent basis until there is a complete refuah BH. I would start with kapitel 1 and 19 (as I am familiar with those 2). If each person can pick something, we will hopefully complete the sefer at least once each day! Tizku LMitzvos!