It’s been nearly 24 hours that Amnon Malchi has gone missing in a random car, and so far there have been no leads.
Source tell TLS Malchi was the subject of a search a couple of years ago, and Chaveirim was notified of his whereabouts after he got into an accident approximately 45 miles away.
“He could be anywhere at this point,” an Askan told TLS.
Malchi was last seen at Walmart in Howell yesterday, and drove off in a 2008 White Hyundai Sonata at approximately 12:15pm in an unknown direction of travel. This vehicle does not belong to him. It was a random vehicle parked in the lot. The New Jersey plates on the vehicle are WVU-23D.
Anyone with information is asked to notify local authorities immediately.
Please say tehilim for Amnon ben Yona
Has a silver alert been issued to alert the wider public?
whats his mothers name for tehillim?
Why has a silver alert not been implemented?
Yona is mothers name.