Today, Jackson Township Attorney Jean Cipriani’s confirmed what she disclosed, perhaps inadvertently, on Wednesday evening. Both the Feds and the State suspect that Jackson Township discriminated against Orthodox Jews.
According to Jackson Attorney Cipriani both the Feds and the State are simultaneously looking into Jackson actions against Jews.
She wrote, “The Township has received information requests from the Department of Justice and the state Attorney General’s office in connection with certain land use issues.
The resolution authorizing the interim settlement agreement and demonstrating the Township’s intention to work in good faith to resolve such land use issues will be provided as part of the response to these requests for information.”
Her statement confirms what has long been a matter of faith in Ocean County, Jackson is acting in unusual ways when it comes to Orthodox Jews. This includes extracurricular activities by Township officials seeking to find “hidden prayer groups,” and far more serious actions like banning Eruvs, Dormitories, and removing schools from 98% of the town.
Her confirmation sheds light on Jackson’s motives for last night’s tiny fix: it can no longer ban Eruvs on utility poles when it allows Flags, Basketball hoops and other easements in the town’s Right of Way. Cipriani made it clear – Jackson must fix its act, or it will end up like Ocean, Tenafly, Mahwah and Pomona – paying out tens of millions in damages and judgements, along with court orders to overturn the discriminatory actions.
It is important to note, as reported on TLS, that although the utility pole resolution is a positive step ahead, it was cynically opposed by the one Town Council member, Mr. Martin, now up for re-election. He publicly stated that he is opposing the Eruv resolution because it will lead to dorms – i.e. Jews in Jackson. This calls into question the sincerity of the Council – did they let him off the hook from voting in favor of the fix because of the next election?
Observers also note that the resolution passed, although a positive step, does not satisfy basic Eruv needs, nor does it address the school and dormitory bans. TLS confirmed that no “settlement agreement,” interim or otherwise, has yet been reached related to Agudath Israel’s lawsuit against the Township despite Cipriani’s assertion to the contrary.
How about shul. To daven.
The best is yet to come …the Education leaders of Jackson schools …
Stay tuned
Sounds like a threat Mike?
If there is an Xmas tree in or near the Town Hall insist they put up a Menorah, too. And, ask the local Chabad to park a mitzva tank on Main Street.
And the hate in the chat groups don’t stop!! We should create a team to debunk, document and report the vile and hate. One example: during the hearing this Wednesday a woman got up to speak her name is M that basically said she left Lakewood due to gang violence which devalued her house (all insinuations that the Jews rent their homes to gangsters so that the “non Jews” should move out. Anyone who follows her Facebook comments could see) so here are some facts: she purchased her home in Lakewood in 96′ (on Rachel in hearstone) for $76,500 and didn’t sell it because of the “Jews” there was a “lis pendens” filed in 06′ and she sold it for $262,000 in 09′ which is 3 and a half times what she paid for it.
She also talked about frum people cutting through her yard without permission, yet her husband said that it was ok, (they have every right to say no, it’s their property) but to blatantly lie to push a hateful agenda is sad. Now that the path was blocked, the neighbors go through the front of her house on the shoulder (there is no sidewalk) which is extremely dangerous, she posted on Facebook that she called code enforcement to complain that no one should be walking on a shoulder, which is public property, she even wrote that she would love to send her dogs (German Sheppard) out to attack the people walking!!
People moved to Jackson to find peace, not confrontation, however it’s interesting to see the true colors come out in a select few bitter people!!
Anyone with a half a brain in their head realizes that these ordinances have one purpose and one purpose only: to keep Jews out. Saying that you’re not anti-Semitic while supporting and drafting these legislative actions does nothing to explain you suddenly seem to decide to draft legislation specifically targeting Jews. Every time I hear someone say they’re not anti-Semitic, it always goes, “I have plenty of Jewish friends BUT I just don’t want Jews living in my town.” It’s bizarre and crazy. This hate can be tolerated no more and I’m hopeful that the DOJ and NJ AG will stand up to this dangerous hatred so rampant in certain areas. The media has grossly failed in both reporting and condemning this despicable resurgence of hate against Jews. They are way to busy opining on whet they can do about the ‘Jewish Problem.’ This media is the same media which tolerated hate against Jews in the 1930’s. Printing letter after letter saying the most racist things about Jews with no compunction or remorse, they show their true colors and motives. Such letters would NEVER be tolerated against any other minority. It’s time to stand up as Americans and say that WE amAS AMERICANS NEITHER CONDONE NOR SUPPORT THIS DESPICABLE RESURGENCE OF HATE. It’s time for ordinary people to tell their elected officials that they do not represent them in their hateful Jew hunts.
It should be strongly pointed out to the AG that this does not fix the eiruv ban.
C Lubling; Why?