A New Jersey Appellate Court heard oral arguments this morning in the state’s appeal of an earlier decision to vacate Rabbi Eisemann’s convictions and order a new trial.
The three-judge panel focused most of their questions during the 45-minute session on the state, including one significant question which touched on the Brady Act violation.
“If the trial were to be held today, would you turn over the pieces of evidence that were initially withheld?” one of the judges asked the prosecutor.
No decision was handed down today but the presiding judge, Thomas Sumners, said he expects a decision to be announced within 30 days.
As reported yesterday on TLS, the Appellate Division can decide to uphold the decision of Judge Paone, and affirm that Rabbi Eisemann is entitled to a new trial, or they can Ch”v overturn the decision and send the case directly to sentencing. (Prosecutors have previously asked for a 12-year prison term.)
Everyone is asked to continue Davening for Osher ben Chana Frumit.
Please daven – we are so used to seeing this horrific back and forth that it might be hard to foster the kavannah and concentration to implore Hashem to free this tzadiik – ever hear the expression – this is the first day of the rest of your life – well this is the first day that our tefilloth can save the whole world because rabbi eisemann’s freedom iy’h and the menuchas hanefesh of complete exoneration will not only save him which is a complete world but allow him to continue in his work unburdened and that is countless lives and worlds