Two Years into the Pandemic, Who Fared Best? Trump in Year 1 or Biden in Year 2, or Does it Really Matter Now? | Aharon Bendavid

What has COVID-19 wrought under two presidents? Trump was blamed for virus deaths in 2020. As a matter of fact during one of the presidential debates, Biden said, “Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America.”

In fact, as it turned out, more Americans died of COVID-19 in 2021 than 2020, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Johns Hopkins University. And while this was in part because of the emergence of more contagious variants, these deaths occurred under Biden’s watch with vaccines available and no shortage of personal protective equipment like the U.S. saw in 2020.

It’s not easy to make an “apples-to-apples comparison” of each administrations’ COVID-19 response. Biden only took office in late January 2021, and any policy changes and their results would take time to show up. The U.S. didn’t begin counting COVID-19 deaths until late February of 2020.

Biden has largely failed to achieve what he believes to be a key weapon in the fight: vaccination mandates.

It was in January 2020 that Trump stated that Covid-19 was a serious threat to the citizens of the United States. In March he went so far as to talk about preventative treatments, specifically Hydroxychloroquine, which has since been proven effective at reducing Covid induced mortality rates even in the elderly. Meanwhile he was naïve enough to place “Dr. Fauci” and Deborah Birx in the top advisory positions.

Operation Warp Speed

Operation Warp Speed (OWS) was this public–private partnership initiated by the United States government to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. The first news report of Operation Warp Speed was on April 29, 2020

As astute as Trump is, little did he realize that they were working closely in the background with their now proven nefarious accomplices in a master scheme of crony capitalism: the CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum (WEF – of the “Great Reset”) the CCP its Wuhan Institute of Virology, where it all started as early as 2014 under the Obama administration. Their only intent was to spread worldwide fear resulting in complete global tyranny with Covid being the perfect launch pad for their moral and financial corruption. This was a planned destruction of the immune system using a vaccine (which is Fauci’s public stance to every health problem) in a convoluted financial arrangement with the EcoHealth Alliance. They deliberately concocted a human DNA modifying “gain of function” vaccine via years of research studies on bat coronaviruses.

Two distinguished members of Congress, Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall (a physician and scientist) and Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member of the Committee on the Judiciary, following a tense conversation about gain-of-function research with Dr. Fauci during a Senate Health Committee hearing on Jan. 11, Sen. Marshall remarked to R&F“People know when they’re being lied to. And I think this web of deceit (is) growing. This is why, in January of 2020, I was the first person in Congress to get up on the House floor and say something is wrong here.” Marshall added:

“There’s an appearance of a cover-up. The first question is what they are covering up. Dr Fauci has lost his reputation. These emails conclude what America decided months ago, (which) is that we cannot trust Dr. Fauci.”

BREAKING: February 17, 2020 – House Introduces Bill Today to Subpoena Anthony Fauci

A new bill was introduced in the House this week (February 17) by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) seeking to issue a subpoena to Dr. Fauci—who we all know is the highest paid government official—regarding alleged lies and corruption throughout the entire COVID-19 pandemic. The bill, H.Con.Res.71, also aims to reduce his salary as the Dir. of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Chief Medical Advisor to Joe Biden to $0.00.

In a statement issued after introducing the resolution, Gosar noted that Dr. Fauci “testified under oath before the United States Senate that the National Institutes of Health has not funded gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology yet a report by Project Veritas (besides a FOIA release requested by  Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). ICAN is a group that investigates the “safety of medical procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, and vaccines while educating the public to their right of “informed consent.” of over 3000 emails) proves that Dr. Fauci did, in fact, fund research in Wuhan, China and at several sites across the United States.” He added:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci has repeatedly lied to Congress and the American people throughout the entire COVID-19 pandemic.” 

You may recall that right here on The Lakewood Scoop an article, COVID-19: Hashem Creates the Cure Before the Illness, dated March 13, 2020 by Ron Benvenisti, describing research and guidelines regarding the use of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine. I believe that was the first published article about Hydroxychloroquine.

Later that Sunday, that revelation became Laura Ingraham’s lead story and interview with Gregory Rigano, and a couple of hours after that President Trump made his famous public announcement about the preventative drug. The FDA promptly banned its use and began to punish any doctor who would prescribe it. The authors of the original Stanford study, Thomas R. Broker, Stanford PhD, James M. Todaro, Columbia MD and Gregory J. Rigano, Esq. were immediately banned by the MSM and publicly vilified by Fauci. The Ingraham show was mysteriously cut off while it was live on the air and has been completely removed from the Internet.

(Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, blamed the vaccine injured for getting hurt or dying after his government pressured them into accepting the “bioweapon” jab. This would surely upset Anthony Fauci and inspire him to come up with some more false testimony under oath and more omissions of past and very recently revealed official documents indicative of some seriously dubious relationships.

Unlike Australia, could it be that if the USA was under Trump instead of the resident dogcatcher, who also apparently specializes in cancer on the moon, that Covid restrictions would have all been over?

We now have the Coronavirus Committee. But… they’re not interested in the elephant in the room: Namely they don’t want to figure out how we ended up with the important social implications of the lockdowns such as the suicidal uptick caused by the lockdown’s strategy, the division between friends, families, and relatives. The spike in divorces and domestic disputes or how we gave sweetheart deals to Big Pharma making them legally immune for damages caused by their rushed “bioweapon” shots. They aren’t bothering to investigate what the Chinese Communist Party did to unleash this pandemic on the world.

While Biden continuously slammed Trump over “Fear Mongering” for COVID restrictions, now he does same thing.

Even staunch right-wing supporter, Alex Jones was amongst those bashing Trump, saying on his show “Hell, we’re fighting Bill Gates and Fauci and Biden and the new world order and Psaki.”

“And now we’ve got Trump on their team!”

Trump’s public vaccine support even received kudos from Biden’s White House press secretary Jen Psaki, who said the administration was “grateful” for his support. That didn’t stop MSNBS legal analyst Glenn Kirschner, who served for 24 years at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and rose to the position of chief of homicide, believes Trump’s “deliberate lies” about the level of risk posed by Covid-19, implicate him together with Fauci connecting that to Americans dying. Kirschner went so far as to suggest that could constitute the crime of manslaughter — and even possibly murder in the second degree!

In 2020, when he was running to replace then-President Donald Trump, “Biden” tweeted out some canned criticism of the administration’s move to restrict travel from countries experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak. Biden also declared in February 2020, the day after Trump imposed travel restrictions on China over the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, that the president’s “xenophobia” made him unfit to respond to the pandemic.

Biden’s anti-Trump rants of pulling the race card and xenophobic “white privilege” accusations have now come back to haunt him.

Don’t forget that banning travel from nations experiencing coronavirus outbreaks was “racist” and that immediately jived with the Democrat’s agenda. Surely you remember the viral Nancy Pelosi video visiting San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage residents to forsake their xenophobia — and even social distancing — to come and celebrate the Chinese New Year. The year of the “White Rat”. How convenient?

Biden flat-out declared that a travel ban would “not stop the virus.” That’s the actual quote.

As Fox News has noted, Biden has since tried to walk back these statements and say that they were just general comments about Trump’s broader “racism,” as if that had anything to do with the virus at all.  After all, it was the Chinese year of the white rat and don’t forget, “You ain’t black”.

Biden’s speechwriters pretty much plagiarized Biden’s Twitter post posted the day before. On Jan. 31, 2020, in Fort Madison, Iowa, according to Reuters, Biden accused Trump of “hysterical xenophobia.” Now it’s hysterical. Well, it is hysterical if you get my drift.

Not only is this statement blatantly hypocritical it is an outright lie. Just look at the broad pandemic restrictions that Biden would go on to impose once he took office when he imposed his very own travel restrictions.

After being briefed by White House “medical adviser” Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the members of the COVID response team about the newly named “Omicron” variant of the COVID-19 virus, that he was “ordering additional air travel restrictions from South Africa and seven other countries” as a “precautionary measure until we have more information.” South Africa has the lowest infection rate in the world.

The Trump administration policy was meant to protect our country from a virus as well as from immigration fraud and potential national security threats, Biden characterized that stance as “racist”. Anything that Trump did to restrict travel from other countries to protect American citizens was, you guessed it: Racist, Racist, Racist.

Now, guess what. Biden is doing some of the same things. So, Biden magically transforms into Trump.

Let’s see, was it racist for Trump to put the travel bans in place but the Biden administration’s travel bans were not racist? C’mon man, it was never ever racist for Trump to put the travel bans in place.

Let’s face the facts: Biden was clearly using his hypocritical criticism of the Trump administration by leveraging, and thus severely eroding any of his claims of racism, which is just plain un-American. This is obviously Democrat political pandering.

The ridiculous call by Glenn Kirschner for an investigation into Trump and those involved could be accomplished via the appointment of a special counsel by President Joe Biden’s attorney general, the cartoon character known as Merrick Garland. It could also happen if State attorneys general or U.S. attorneys from across the nation could commence their own investigations since they would have jurisdiction, given that Americans died in every state from Covid-19. Or, as Kirschner suggested, the formation of a “Trump crimes commission” would have the power to impanel a grand jury and prosecute those charged. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Democrats tried this. I doubt it, because where things stand now it could just as easily be a Biden Crimes Commission which would be the end of the Biden crime dynasty. Durham would have it all neatly tied up with a bow made in China.

Of course, another aspect of the Covid-19 tragic pandemic is that Trump’s alleged crimes and offenses of “deadly negligence” won’t be prosecuted.  After all, that would also put Biden directly in the crosshairs. Therefore, all this Trump prosecution talk evaporates into thin air because at this point, we can’t afford to not look closely at what a president or rather, resident, of the United States has wrought, and how deeply it damaged and continues to destroy the lives of the people he pledged to serve.

Therefore, Trump or Biden— and anybody else who “conspired with him to intentionally mislead Americans about the pandemic” — should be held fully accountable. Anything less is not only an insult to the memory of all those lost to Covid-19, but it also potentially gives future presidents a green light to intentionally lie to the American public about deadly risks in the future. We, as a nation, cannot allow that to ever happen again. If you take a moment to imagine Anthony Fauci as president and Deborah Birx as vice president this starts to make some bizarre sense.

Anyway, you look at it you must be totally blind to the fact that this is just more concrete evidence of the sheer hypocrisy of the Biden administration and the Democrat left-wing establishment’s sickening tendency to cry “racism” whenever it suits them, which is always. After all I recently became a Racist White Supremacist Domestic Terrorist practically overnight. And all this time I thought I was just a Pintele Yid. A member of the world’s tiniest minority.

They are just incredibly bull headed when it comes to fighting racism in its true forms. The Democrat’s tyranny is far more ominous than the consequences of any policies that can reasonably be supposed to ever come to pass from Trump.

Supporters of Biden’s incoherent rules know that Biden has stronger political footholds in many institutions (notably China and Ukraine) and a more virulent will to control, or even to “recreate,” society with communist social-engineering schemes and fantasies.

Today’s so-called progressive talk about ‘transforming’ society into a safe, equitable, and inclusive heaven on earth is completely detached from history and reality than any Trump patriotic banter, but much more threatening and dangerous. Just take a look at the history of Communist, Socialist and Fascist leaders. Progressives, unlike Trump supporters, are presumed to be well-intentioned, highly informed, and objective. But that seems to be changing. Their Golden Calf is slowly but surely being ground into (bitcoin?) dust.

But social-engineering schemes almost always conform with sacred superstitions supported by their own communist or fascist idol worship. (Hitler was deeply into the occult). It’s hard to believe but history is witness to the fact that invariably, progressives’ policy demands are widely perceived as appropriate. These “sacred” superstitions demand that society is completely impotent and inert or destructively chaotic and divided to the extent that ordinary men, women, and children are stripped of their individually unique talents and personalities by the over-arching progressive state. Any opposition to these anti-liberty demands is punished as anti-progress, anti-science, and, of course, anti-intellectual.

Because Trump foolishly acquiesced to Fauci and Birx’s “crime against humanity,” Trump bears much of the blame for America’s overreaction to Covid.

What Does the Science Really Say?

The final conclusions after analysis of several hundreds of studies show that the precision-weighted average effect of lockdowns on Covid-19 mortality is -0.2 percent:

That’s -0.2 percent! That translates into little to no evidence that mandated lockdowns in Europe and the United States had any noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality rates.

The more precise the estimate and the cleaner and more comprehensive the study, the closer to zero are lockdowns’ effect on Covid-19. When we run the numbers carefully, any initial protective effect from lockdowns on Covid deaths go away.

The Shelter-in-Place studies aren’t much better. The bottom-line figure is a little better (-2.9 percent). Most studies show results are around zero (or low negative single-digit percentages).

Overall, lockdowns and limiting gatherings actually increases COVID-19 mortality, although the effect is modest (0.6% and 1.6%, respectively) and border closures has “little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality.”

An infected person being isolated at home under a SIPO can infect family members with a higher viral load causing more severe illness.

The minor impact they may have had in temporarily averting deaths, are not worth the pain, the societal upheaval, the misery and human suffering that accompanied them.

Will we ever hear the ringleader, Dr. Fauci, own up to that disastrous policy error?

 I believe the situation we are in now, with the Biden regime (whose members seem to be resigning more and more each day that passes) is even more dangerous than Trump (who, let’s not forget, is no longer in power), seems to many people to be well-intentioned and guided by “the science.” Political science. I always wondered who invented that incoherent concept.

With the expansion over the past two years of the Biden biosecurity state I see a tremendous evil in what the commie progressives incessantly work to do. Tearing up the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, destroy true spirituality, truth and liberty throughout the world. I don’t see that as Trump’s legacy in a million years.

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  1. I’m sorry but January 20th is not late January, January 20th is middle January.

    You know for sure that the lousy left would say the same thing on a Republican president. They would probably even classify it early because they don’t know simple math.

  2. There were many options available for Trump at the beginning of the pandemic that he refused to use for stupid reasons. He didn’t want increased testing, for political reasons, that pushed the spread of covid much quicker than it should have happened. He played down the severity of the virus and spoke from both sides of his mouth, causing his sheeple to ignore the instructions from the health professionals.

    There is nothing that anyone is suggesting that Biden could have done differently. By the time he came along, it was too late

  3. This article is a collection of nonsense, conspiracy theories and hero worship. Mistakes of Trump are waved away, and achievements of Biden are reclassified as failures. This author believes in stupidities like the Bill Gates world conquest theory.

    I wish him well and a great Refuah Shleima

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