Presidential candidate and frontrunner Donald Trump had some harsh words for Governor Christie today.
“How is Chris Christie running the state of NJ, which is deeply troubled, when he is spending all of his time in NH?” Trump wrote. “New Jerseyans not happy!”
Christie, on the other hand, over the weekend received an endorsement from the New Hampshire Union Leader paper in New Hampshire.
Trump earlier appeared to be friends of Christie, when he even showed support when Christie wasn’t included in the prime time debate.
He wrote at the time, “I think it would be a good idea—and fair—to include Gov Christie & Mike Huckabee in the debate. Both solid & good guys.”
Not sure what you mean by “Trump appeared to be friends with Cristie…” What does this have to do with being “Friends” he raised a legitament concern. The fact is this is a contest that only one person will win. Friends are no friends are competing for the same job
One has to wonder what Governor Christie is accomplishing by spending so much time and effort in a cause that he knows at this point he has no chance of winning. True…the debates made him look much more presidential if you will…but it’s still not happening. And so the only explanation one can give is that he doesn’t really have much interest in continuing to be governor as such he’s doing whatever he feels like. And as long as he gets a little attention why not?
Actually, Mr Trump, the state runs fine without him. He put good ppl at crucial positions and he can leave for extended periods of time. He even has school monitors who do amazing work. And he would make a better president than you.