TRAILER: The Lost Treasure in Full-Length Animated Film | A Shimmy Shtauber Production (Now In Stores!)

[COMMUNICATED] B’ezras Hashem, we are pleased and excited to finally present you with the long-awaited, full-length animated film version of the beloved story album, The Lost Treasure.

A spinoff of the classic Golden Crown created by Abie Rotenberg and Rabbi Shmuel Klein, The Lost Treasure features an epic tale packed with adventure and heart, and a powerful lesson in caring for a fellow Jew, brought to life by cutting edge, state-of-the-art computer animation. So gather the whole family, sit back, relax and enjoy!

Available on DVD and USB in stores be”H after Yom Tov, and available for purchase/rental online right now at

A Shimmy Shtauber Production

Watch the trailer here:

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