It is with great sadness we report the Petirah of 4-year-old Esther Malka Friedman A”H.
The child suddenly fell ill on Friday night, and was rushed by Lakewood Hatzolah to Jersey Shore University Center.
She is the daughter of R’ Nechemia Dov.
The Kevurah will take place in Lakewood at 10PM
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Bd”h….may the family know if no more tzaros!!! May they have continued koach to deal with this unimaginable tzaar!
Devastated. May hashem bless this family with great brochos and strength.
BDE may this family have the strength to get through this hard Tzara and see no more tzaros in the future
BDE, Hamakoim Yenachem Eschem B’soich Shear Aveilei Tzion ViYerushalayim
Remember that we all feel for you and that you have the strength to overcome it, may you not know of anymore tza’ar, V’al Tevianu lo lidai Nisayon.
Any shiva information?
4 Waverley CT
Shachris 7:45
Mincha 4:00
Maariv 10:00
Maariv 7:45
Maariv is 740pm, Besoros Tovos