A young Frum mother was Niftar this morning following a car accident in Toms River.
The single car accident occurred around 11:15 am on New Hampshire Avenue just south of North Maple Avenue.
Police say the vehicle went off the road and down an embankment, where the vehicle flipped.
Emergency services from Toms River responded, and when witnesses realized it was a Jewish woman, Lakewood Hatzolah was called.
The woman, 28, and mother of three young children who recently moved from Lakewood to Toms River, was R”L Niftar on the scene.
An infant inside the vehicle was extricated by emergency personnel, and hospitalized in stable condition. The infant was reportedly found upside down in the vehicle, and emergency personnel needed to cut the baby out.
“It’s a very tragic accident, but the fact that someone noticed it is tremendous Chassodim,” an Askan on scene told TLS.
Askonim from Lakewood are working with local and County officials to ensure proper Kavod Ha’meis is given.
Additional information will be published later.
UPDATE 4:20 PM: Askonim have notified TLS that the family has now been notified of the incident, and the name of the Niftar can be released.
The victim was identified as Leah Eisdorfer A”H (maiden name Bergman, Boro Park), wife of R’ Dovid. The family resided on North Lake Drive in Lakewood until they moved to Toms River approximately two weeks ago.
Levaya information will be published once confirmed.
UPDATE: The Levaya will be taking place at 9:30 PM at the 7th Street Chapel, and the Kevurah will take place in Monsey.
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BD”E so sad!
Thank you TLS for not releasing the name until family notified.
Who is this??? Hashem Yeracheim!!
The family was notified and thanks for not releasing the name family privacy
We need to do Teshuva and rollback the Gashmeyus.
BDE. No words.
Thank you TLS for not releasing the name until family notified.
this is such sad news im crying!!!
My relative. What a tragedy. A wonderful person and family.
May we do teshuva very soon so tzaros in klal yisroel can come to a stop & Mashiach can come
May her neshama have an aliya
May her family have a Nechama
BDE! Terrible tragedy! poor family and precious children, they will miss her so much !!!!
Does anyone know who this is ??
This is so sad!
Stop asking who it is! It’s private!
Name for Mishnayos ?
Babys name for Tehillim?
BDE it’s time for teshuva
Who was it private? BDE
Levaya details please
I pray for her family, soo very horrible!……but can you speak English, so I can understand the article a little better….thank you
Levaya will probably first be tomorrow. No details yet.
H-shem Yishmor!!! Bring Moshiach!!!
I am in complete shock he just moved into the neighborhood and he was all excited about the new move.
And how big do any of your “problems” feel today? Put things into perspective. So sad.
How do you know this is a One car accident perhaps there was another car that caused this ????
Thank you for your compassion.
Please see the following. While not exact translations it provides a rough contextual understanding.
Frum – of the Jewish religious community
Hatzolah – Lakewood based volunteer first aid squad
R”L – hebrew based acronym for ‘heaven have mercy’
Niftar – deceased
Chassodim – act of divine mercy
Askan – an idividual who, often on a volunteer basis, devotes his/her time for the benefit of others
Askonim – plural of Askan, see previous
Kavod Ha’meis – dignity of the deceased
A”H – hebrew based acronym for ‘may she rest in peace’
Levaya – funeral service
Levaya may still be tonight. Should know very soon.
Levaya time not confirmed yet
One website says levaya is at 830 tonight at the 7th at chapel. Can anyone else confirm?
Confirmed 9pm at the 7th St Chapel
According to media reports levaya @ 8:30 p.m. tonight, at chapel on 7th St., in Lakewood, NJ.
Very sad. May her family find comfort from one another.
Levaya tonight at 830
Anyone know when levaya is
Is it true that it’s 8:30 or 9:30 in Lakewood chapel
Levaya is at 830 tonight
7th street chapel – east 7th alnear brook road.
Levaya is tonight at 9:30 in Lakewood
Levaya according to some sources is tonight at sons of Israel. 830pm
Levaya is at 7th Street Chapel in Lakewood tonight at 9:30
Looks like Levaya will first start at 930pm.
So very sad. I pray for her husband and children to make it through this difficult time.
So sorry for your loss! Does anyone know how the accident actually happen?
My condolences on this horrible tragedy to her family and friends.
Please post Nichum Aveilim details.
oh this is so sad may Hashem grant the baby a rfuah shelaimah!!! and everyone should stop being nosy!!!!
sooooooooooo sad hope her children and family have it easy there!