We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Dini Brus A”H, who was Niftar early this morning following a lengthy illness.
Her husband, Reb Yeshaya Z”L, was suddenly Niftar just several weeks ago. She was 49.
She leaves behind seven Yesomim.
The Levaya is scheduled to take place at 10:00 AM at Bais Hatalmud in Brooklyn, followed by a Levaya and Kevurah in Lakewood at approximately 12:00 PM.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Help at Keren zichron yeshaya at the chested fund
Please help this family by donating to the fund that was set up a few weeks ago after these children lost their father. https://thechesedfund.com/kerenzichronyeshaya/keren-zichron-yeshaya
What’s her maiden name?
Her maiden name is Spector
Did anyone verify the campaign and maje sure that 100 % of the donation are being given over to the family. Or is someone running this campaign as others and making money off of someone else’s tragedy
Yes. Verified.
Yes it’s run by an uncle and the funds are going to the family.
Do not be choshed other frum Yidden.
i already donated but when i read this heartless comment i just donated again in order to be sure that none of this insensitivity has any effect on me.
As a relative, yes it’s verified.
spector from mandel?
Spector from Rabinowitz