The two Lakewood Firefighters who gave their lives while trying to save the lives of others, will be recognized and honored this week by the Township, Fire Chief Rodney Youmans tells TLS.
On December 23, 1976, Stanley Marks and Alex Latyshev of Junior Hose Company No. 3 responded to a working fire at the Hotel Allaben on Monmouth Avenue, and shortly after they entered the burning building, a flash-over occurred, trapping them inside.
Firefighter Stanley Marks’ body was found the next morning on the first floor just below the area of flash-over, according to Lakewood Fire Department’s Historian Richard Errickson. Marks had fallen through the burned away floor above.
Firefighter Latyshev was able to get to a small second floor window and was pulled down a ladder to safety. He was rushed to the hospital, but succumbed to his burns several weeks later.
A firefighter memorial was constructed in Pine Park in 1988, and every October a department firefighter service is held in their memory.
This Thursday, the Township will recognize and honor the two heroes by holding a special ceremony at the Township Committee meeting.
The meeting, which will begin at 7 PM, will feature a bagpiper, the honor guard and the unveiling of memorial plaques with for the two men – an idea proposed by PBA President Gary Przewoznik. The plaques will be placed near those of the fallen Lakewood Police Officers, on the Memorial Wall in the Township lobby. TLS.
RIP , this is why when we have budgit cuts or attacks against the lakewood volunteer fire dept every one gets upset !! we are volunteers ! We do not get paid , no health insurace , we risk our lives for free. And on one sad december night two of our friends, our brothers died! They did not die for a pension ! They died because they wanted to help their neighbor in time of need. Think of these things when you put on here vut the budget , vote out the commissioners . We risk our lives for the people of lakewood Catholic,Jewish,Mormon,Muslim,Baptist, white,black,spanish whats ever you are or whatever you believe in does not matter to us !!
Well said !!!
but if they dont have the $ for it what should they do ?
tax everyone to death ??
What wpu;d you say or do if your house was on fire or you lost a loved one? Would TAXES come to mind!
God Bless the firemen and their families. The 2 men that died were good family men and had families that will forever love the memory of the men.
Hey Dave if a person doesn’t have the money to pay the taxes in the area they live in then they should move someplace they can afford… but with that said if they do have it and don’t want to give anything monetary then they should volunteer like the rest of us do .
Let us not turn this story of rememberance and honor for the sacrifice these two men made into a political and budget debate. Honor their memory and praise their family for these men made the ultimate sacrifice, as did their families. God bless the families and the memories they left behind.
# 6 Thank you refocusing the conversation. There’s a time and place for discussion on the budget and this isn’t the time nor the time. Both Stanley and Alex were fine young men as well as the three police officers who all gave their lives in the line of duty while serving the township of Lakewood. Hopefully they will never be forgotten as time moves forward.