VIDEO: The Township Committee and LFD this evening announced that they have come to an agreement with the Fire Department to cut $150,000 from the Fire District Budget, bringing the budget down to $3,106,00 from $3,256,000, for a total of $453,000 lower than last year’s budget.
The Deputy Mayor and Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien, who were appointed to the task to review the budget, recommended the cuts and handed it back to the Committee for approval. The cuts were from utilities and general expenses.
However, due to statutory reasons, the budget was not approved tonight but will be approved at the next Township meeting.
Last year’s budget was $3,559,000 after being cut by $143,000.00.
Additionally, the Fire Commissioners agreed to use $1,000,000 from the surplus, bringing down the tax levy to $2,106, 000, officials say.
Dozens of Firefighters were on hand at the meeting in a show of support. TLS.
Is anyone realizing how minute a number 150k is? How many dollars a YEAR is that for each homeowner? But, for this we made such noise! For this type of fiscal responsibility we also threw out a long time volunteer firefighter? Someone who has served for so long!
I don’t know how you budget, but for anyone who runs a responsible budget, every extra little expense adds up, and adds up quickly. Thank you to whoever cared enough to think about each dollar they spend that is mine.
Menashe and the rest it is such a pleasure to see how you guys are fair and professional and you don’t get the credit you deserve. Fire fighters are really upset about the outcome of the election i’m sure. I am too. not that I think the new member will be bad but the noise and the breaking of tradition wasn’t needed. I would say though that the fd does a very bad marketing campaign in promoting themselves and all that they do. You guys deserve so much credit for all that you do.
But you didn’t get the comparison budgets out to show how amazing your budget is.
Please know we the regular Joe or Yossel in the community respect you and care about you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. You are professional and courteous and we are lucky to have you.
I know many of the fire fights shown in the photo and I know they are volunteer and do not live in Lakewood, so why do you risk your life for no pay and waiste your time for a Town who doesn’t support you.
How about doing the same with the boe?
To #4: Why, even when we have moved? Tradition, Honor, Loyalty to your Comrades. Things the FD haters will never understand.
Four generations serving Lakewood since the 1920s
i havent heard from anyone(and i mean real people, not anonymous bloggers) that they don’t appreciate or support the fire department. the only problem people have is the total disregard by some of the commissionaires for the taxpayers dollar
This is great! No i am happy who i voted for.
I agree with #5. The boe is served by adults who do not care one bit about the public school children. Lakewood being so diverse should have boe members who understand and care for all the children. This is just not the case.
Thanks to the TLS for being our voice
150000 is a joke
To all the firemen of Lakewood you are a rare breed ,thank God we have men like you who no politician would ever understand the meaning of true dedication without ulterior motives . It would be very easy to understand why you get disallusioned with the politics being played out and infiltrating into LFD and move onto another town where you would get the respect you deserve for your service.
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but isn’t our firefighter force here in lakewood a volunteer effort. Where does all that money go? Yes I see all those spanking new firetrucks and the beautiful landscaped firehouses. Is all that really necessary?
Please don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate. the firefighters jobs they do, but lets publicize the budget
If all the current non resident members quit , how much would it cost the town to train replacements and hire professional fire fighters until those replacements are trained. I bet at least $500,000 .
Ok why is my comment still in moderation when I see numerous other comments posted invarious places on this site well after mine ~ What gives ?
What’s truly sad is that Lakewood Fire District No. 1 which encompasses all of Lakewood Township proposed a responsible budget of $3,106,000.00 which if every one of the 92,843 residents paid their taxes would be about $2.75 a month for fire protection. I know people who pay $150 a month for their cell phone bill and your cell phone won’t save your life or property in the event of a fire. Just for comparison Toms River’s two fire district’s budgets equal a combined total of approximately $10,000,000.00 and they have a population of 91,293.
You ask us why when some of us have moved away (not myself) do we still volunteer with Lakewood, well truthfully you are making it harder and harder for us to answer that question. However, as was said we do it out of Tradition and a sense of Duty but most importantly out of Loyalty; No longer to the people of this town who would fight us over a measly $2.75 a month but to our brothers and sisters on the hoseline who we can’t bare the thought of them being injured because we washed our hands of Lakewood.
If the regular Joe’s or Yossel in the community really cared about the dedicated volunteers and paid professionals of the Lakewood Fire Department then where were they on election day to voice their support for us against those who seek to further their own ambitions not those of the good of this township.
I respect the Fire Commissioners and the institution that has kept Lakewood residents safe and free of debt over the years. I respect Deputy Mayor Ackerman and Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien who reviewed the budget, made recommendations, and brought the recommended budget before the Township Committee for approval.
All of these members of the public that are willing to put themselves at risk for us must be respected and honored for their service.
May God bless them and keep them safe as they put their lives in danger each time they answer the call to duty.
Lakewood has 5 fire companies with 2 trucks each. Each truck needs 4 men. That’s 40 men, (which is about the number of VOLUNTEERS who show up at fires). Now add 3 shifts of men equals 120 men with a salary of $50,000 each equals $6 MILLION plus benefits – vacation, health insurance, etc. And you’re complaining about the fire budget now????
this was never about the fire fighters this was about the commissioners use of tax payers money so now there is a new responsible commisioner
#13 As a former non- resident firefighter in Lakewood for 20 years I take it to heart that you dont feel the volunteers are professionals. All firefighters are trained the same way and as you learn on the job, you become a better firefighter. To make the statement “hire professionals until the recurits are trained” is a loaded statement, as every one of the firefighters i served with were more “professional” then you’ll ever know.
#19 (Mike) you took #13 out on context, i belives what he was trying to say is that if all the volunteers quit then then the town would be forced to hire professional fireman, both a volunteer and a professonal fireman can have the same level of skill but the difference is a professional gets paid. I’m a great baseball player but im not a profressional because I dont collect a pay check for playing. I beleive he also was saying that if the volunteers quit and then the town tride to repalce them all with jewish volunteers it would cost alot of money to train them.
to # 18 WRONG !
it is what it is a slam against all who serve ………………………
Thank You from some who knows that your family paid the ultamite price for lakewood.
It is all coming to a “END” you will see and it sucks i fill bad for the guys that give there lives for no pay.Like i said “NO PAY”