The following was sent out this morning through the Township’s Alert System: Due to the Holiday there will be no trash pickup on Monday, January 16th: Monday’s garbage and recycling will be picked up on Tuesday.
Tuesday’s garbage and recycling will be picked up on Wednesday. There will be no bulk collection this week. Thursday and Friday trash and recycling days are as regular schedule.
Thank you for the notice and we will follow this information
What Holiday??? What an outrage
it is martin luther kings birthday , where i do not agree that it should be a holiday it is a national holiday so no reason to be outraged
To #3 – what holidays to YOU agree with?
Maybe you should take sometime and learn what the holiday is for. This is America .We honor people that did good for the country.
So, let me explain something, there are Americans who did not have the right to vote or receive a decent wage, or even live without fear of being killed for wanting to eat at a luch counter that should have been open to the entire public. Let’s remember that some of us have parents that marched for these rights along side of this man that gave up his life for all people to have the same rights throughout the USA. There is a national holiday for Columbus who discovered the Dominican Republic in 1492, Yeah check the real records! It’s not just to remember Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., it is also a day to give service to our nation as he did and a time to remember all the people who gave their lives, all races, religious backgrounds, and nationalities, who saw and felt the injustice of discrimanation and did something about it. Along with Indepence Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day, I will honor these national holiday by giving back something in time and effort to the community. I’m not bold enough to stand before the nation as MLK did but I am thankful to the Almighty that he did.
That just my point of view! Thanks for listening.
Nothing new…South of the lake recycling did not get picked up today either. Was it another holiday?
There was a regular garbage and recycling collection today in what is referred to as area three. I guess you did not follow the normal schedule for your area. Call DPW and see if the supervisor will send a truck around for your garbage and recycling that you did not apparently put out for todays collection. Be nice when you call! They picked up my regularly schedule garbage and recycling. Oh by the way it’s people like you that make the tax rate go up because you are so special.
To Holiday Lover:
Great post!! Thank you!
thank you dpw for always sending back trucks after they have already been in the area for garbage pick up. The schedule has not changed nor the holiday schedule for the past 20 years. It is the majority who choose to make themselves aware of when and what rules they want to follow . Garbage should be the least problem people have today. Maybe if residents fill it properly or lease and extra can you would not worry about how it looks in front of your house. It is cheaper to have an extra can then to send back another truck. The holiday is not an excuse ..You did not know to put out your garbage? It happens every day and say thank you because it is picked up anyway. Pay more attention to the schedule if garbage is so important to you. You can also bring it to the DPW if it means that much to you to get rid of it.
A lot of comments for a garbage news story. People must have a lot of time on their hands.
Viva MLK !!! his dream is our dream too…may God bless America and all of us living here.
So I do not have to take my trash out? is this for Los Angeles?