Tonight: What Happens after the Lake? An Evening of Chizuk & Support for Women

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C’mon. Why are you afraid to create a headline that states clearly what this is all about?
sensitivity my friend
Sensitivity to what, my friend. There’s an elephant in the room; don’t you see it?
There are no elephants in the room. There are only our children, our brothers and sisters, who are suffering a terrible illness. An illness that demolishes their souls. An illness that tears apart their parents and siblings. An illness that has no known protocol for a cure. All of us are susceptible. This illness is spreading rapidly. No one is immune. Some of them recover and alot of them don’t. No one has the answer. All we can do is daven. Daven to Hashem to heal his children. All of us have to daven. All of us are responsible for all of them.
I have no clue what your hinting about. If your bothered by the headline, then say what this is really about?
What is this referring to??